Episode 10: A New Friend Part I

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A coven of hooded witches, wearing necklaces of seashells and starfish-like chest pieces, marked the blackened floor of Vixx's study room with blood taken from the sinful humans who had found themselves in his kingdom. Vixx, the king himself, watched as they created a magic circle that was familiar to him—a circle that had been used to send his wife to the mundane world. Years ago, Vixx had used his own Krakens as guinea pigs to test the spell, sending them through the portal to the other realm. Where they were now, no one knew. Vix had also used Toxin's scroll as well, after what the void general had tried to do centuries ago.

Now, Vixx was using the same spell to send his advisor, Deghon, who was giggling silently next to his boss as though not to make him angry. Vixx glanced at him. "Is the sphere ready?"

Deghon was startled by Vixx's deep voice. "Y-yes," he stammered. "The witches enchanted the mud ball well. It should take it over as planned."

Vixx snapped at his advisor. "I don't need 'should.' I need WILL. I've waited millennia for my chance at revenge, and I'm not waiting for another thousand!" he shouted, his deep voice being heard across his realm.

Vixx exhaled deeply. "The witches have informed me that they are nearing their limits with the powers that be as they continue to find loopholes around the seal to let you three pass the threshold. Do not let their efforts go to waste!"

Dagon gulped. "You can count on me, sir. I will make sure it works." he replied.

Vixx gave Deghon a final glance before turning and snapping his fingers. The witches moved away from the center of the room, completing the magic circle. Its glow brightened the room, revealing Vixx's journals and books that he had collected over the centuries.

"Begin!" Vixx commanded.

"Yes, my lord!" The coven members circled the magical symbol, holding hands and chanting in a language that sounded like gibberish to non-magic users. A crack appeared above the center of the circle. A pair of magical hands grasped the crack, pulling it open and creating a portal.

Vixx commanded, "Go! Take the elemental scrolls, bring them to the Forge, channel their power, and break the cursed seal!"

Deghon, with his little legs, ran towards the portal and jumped in just seconds before it closed.


Blake had never felt so accomplished in his life as he did when he finally finished deciphering the magnetic scroll. He finished the night before a big test in Mr. Brock's class. School had just started again the previous Monday, and everyone was feeling disoriented, including the faculty. Students had forgotten their schedules, and the staff were doing their best to keep everything peaceful and orderly.

Despite being at the top of his class, Blake did not enjoy school. He only did what was required to complete the first stage of the hero's journey, the Call to Adventure. One of his favorites in fairy tales and high fantasy stories, and the simplest, as he thought. Until he realized it involved your companions and their personal interests. To be honest, Blake never cared about the supporting characters. Sure, they had their moments and sometimes they added something to the overall story, but when it comes down to it, the main character is the most important person in the tale, and that person is Blake.

Upon entering Physics class, Blake saw Mr. Brock staring at Tyler and Sofia, who were sitting at a table near the windows, away from the other students. Sofia's eyes were wide open and she was focused. Whatever Tyler was telling her must have been surprising or important.

Blake was not in the mood for talking this morning. He would rather get through school and head back to the cavern. Blake was eager to awaken the Bull Zord as soon as possible and see what it could do. It was the first new zord he had gotten, and he had not been able to use it since he got the magnetic scroll.

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