Just X A Fun X Day

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Kurapika wakes the next morning and felt heavy for some reason. And for that matter, warmer than usual. When he rolled over to see why he was feeling so heavy and warm, he saw Leorio's sleeping face. Leorio had his arm wrapped around his waist. And their legs tangled. Kurapika missed moments like these. Where everything was calm.

"NO FAIR KILLUA. YOU SHOWERED FIRST YESTERDAY!" So much for peace and quiet. Next thing Kurapika heard was banging. Most likely coming from Gon. He had began banging on the door trying to convince Killua to let him shower first.


Gon's banging seemed to wake up Leorio. His eyes slowly opened and a slight growl emitted from his throat. "GON STOP BANGING ON THE DOOR. WHY CANT YOU TWO JUST SHOWER TOGETHER. I MEAN YOU TWO SLEEP IN THE SAME BED TOGETHER. SO WHATS THE DIFFERENCE?!" Leorio yelled at the top of his lungs. Kurapika was pretty sure the entire block heard Leorio shout. Or at least the neighbors.

Leorio looked at Kurapika and tiredly smiled. "Morning love." He said as he kissed Kurapika's forehead. Kurapika couldn't help but chuckle. "You know Leorio, you probably woke up the neighbors right?" He questioned. Leorio just nodded in reply.

"Yeah. But those two-" Leorio said, speaking about Killua and Gon "-wake up the neighbors all the time." He explained. Kurapika nodded and both teens sat up. "Well, I'm gonna get dressed. Could you step out for a sec?" Leorio asked.

The blond Kurta nodded and silently, he walked to the door, stepped out and closed it behind him. A couple minutes later, Gon and Killua stepped out of the bathroom, both fully dressed. Gon was in his normal green jacket, green shorts and boots.

Killua also wore his normal clothes. His deep navy blue turtle neck, with a white v-neck on top. And a pair of shorts with his signature purple and white shoes.

"Kurapika! You can come back inside now!" Leorio called, fully dressed in his navy blue suit. Gon and Killua walked over and the three teens entered Leorio's room.

"So, Leorio what's the plan for today?" Gon asked, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Well, since it's practically lunch time, let's go out for some lunch." Leorio suggested.

"Could we go to the candy shop after?! The store got a new shipment of Choco-Robos!" Killua exclaimed, also with a hint of excitement. The boys eyes were basically sparkling. Kurapika smiled to himself. It was like last nights events never happened.

Leorio sighed. "I'll probably regret this later. But sure." He replied. "Yes!" Killua jumped up excitedly. Gon just smiled. "Alright. You guys wanna head out now or la-"Leorio was cut off by the two boys excitement. "Let's go now!" Gon and Killua exclaimed. Kurapika smiled and so did Leorio.

"Alright! Let's go!" Leorio declared. The four teens walked out of their house, and after everyone was out of the house, Leorio locked the door. They began walking towards a diner for lunch.

The four teens walked into the diner and sat down at a table. Gon sat down to Killua quickly, and Kurapika sat down next to Leorio. They received menus and everyone took looks at the menus. "Hmm. I don't know what to order." Killua mumbled. Gon looked at him.

"Just get your usual if you don't know what to order." Gon suggested. Killua nodded. After a while, the waitress came around and took everyone's order.

"Oi Gon. Don't forget, when we get back to the house, we have to train."

Gon looked over at Killua and nodded. "I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me." Gon replied smiling at Killua.

The time came when everyone's plates were placed in front of them. "Enjoy." The waitress said before walking away from the four. Leorio smiled and began eating. Kurapika slowly began to eat. Gon and Killua just wolfed down their platers. "Gon! Killua! Slow down! You guys might choke!" Kurapika warned.
Gon slowed down his pace, and so did Killua. Kurapika sighed softly.

We Only Have Each Other (KilluaXGon & KurapikaXLeorio)Where stories live. Discover now