Is he doing it for a reason?

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 *************Your POV**************

I wake up in a cold sweat as I look across to my alarm clock, which displays '8.30'. Panicking  I shoot out of bed realising I had slept in. After quickly changing and getting ready, I rushed to breakfast to meet up with the others.

As I walk up the stairs in the lobby to get to the restaurant, I overhear my friends gasping. I pause for a moment wondering what was going on, and just before I was about to take another step I hear a voice which sounds like Nagito, mentioning bombs, I stand there in shock, frozen. While trying to process it all I see Nagito silhouette appear at the top of the stairs, I look up at him confused trying to understand what he may have just said. He quickly rushes past me, not giving me a chance to ask what just happened and leaves the building.

I wait a minute or so before going upstairs; everyone silently looks at me, some even with tears in their eyes. Hajime sighs then walk up to me telling me about the so-called Bomb or Bombs that Nagito had just confessed to planting. Startled, I stumble back in shock not realising what was behind me and crash into the railing, causing me to trip and fall down the stairs. Pain spread through my body as I hear shouts, but the darkness slowly consumed me, not allowing my time to respond.

********************A few hours later***************

Slowly I open my eyes to be swamped by white light. My head was pounding as I look around trying to get my bearing. I notice that I was in the hospital, Slowly I try to sit up, feeling all aches and pains over my body, but luckily nothing seemed severe. I notice Hajime sitting beside me, looking concerned.

Once Hajime realised I was awake his eyes widened "Are you alright L/n? You had me worried for a second" 

"What happened?" I mumble trying to recall the events that lead up to this.

Hajime explains what had happened earlier that day and what Nagito said in the morning, he then goes on to say that everyone is now looking for the Bomb to be able to dispose of it—ensuring to emphasising how horrible Nagito was, not to mention selfish and mean. He keeps rambling on about this when suddenly out of nowhere feeling quite defensive for some reason, I shout without thinking "What do you mean, he should just die? How would you know that the choice he made was stupid? You're not him. You don't know what he's feeling or why he has done what he has done, So don't go calling his actions idiotic, idiot!". Jumping out of bed, I hurry out, tripping over serval times with tears starting to flow out of my eyes. I dont really understand why I said what I did, it just kind of happened. Hajime reaction to someone saying they planted a bomb was normal, but without seeing the bigger picture, people shouldn't jump to conclusions and judge people. Still, I suppose in the situation we are in, with our lives feeling like they are always at stake I suspecting losing the bigger picture is easy.  Stumbling out of the hospital, I run to the 5th island in the hope of finding a quiet place to sit alone and forget about the whole world and the life I was currently living.

Eventually, find an abandoned warehouse near the factory, walking in I go to the back and see some Monokuma plush toys tucked away in the shadows, as much as I hate that little bastard right now for putting us in this whole killing game situation, I couldn't care less. Snuggling down in one of the boxes filled with Monokuma plush toys, I allow the soft fabric to send me into a deep sleep.


Snow, it is snowing! I am so happy, all of us were there playing in the snow, Hiyoko was calling Byakuya Mr.Porkfeet, and he was blushing, it was all very calming and relaxing until I notice a glitter of white in the corner.

"Nagito? Is that you" strolling up to him I smile watching the snowflakes hit his cold yet red cheeks.

"Don't come any closer!" He blurts out all of a sudden, completely changing the atmosphere of this dream.

"Huh, why? We're friends, aren't we?" Smiling, I walk closer.

He had a confused yet desperate look on his face.

"Nagito?" I ask, a bit worried now sensing that something was off.

"If you come with me you'll never see your friends again, don't choose worthless trash like me over your friends" He pushes me away and runs off into the snowy unknown.

Watching his marshmallow hair bobbing up and down made me reach out, I began to shout Nagito, but Ibuki put her hand on my shoulder and shook her head.

Confused I step back, all the while debating on who I should choose, Nagito or friends.

**********Out of Dream*************

I wake up to a sensation of the ground moving, My first thought was that an earthquake was occurring, I then felt a crash which was cushioned by plush toys, before I know what's happening the box I am in opens. Looking out of the box entrance to see Nagito staring at me with his arms cut and holding a spear in his hand.


Argh! I'm sorry, there not much of Nagito in this chapter please don't hurt me!


Lunanime xx

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