Hajime: Care for me, please....

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***********HAJIME: ENDING********

*************Your POV**************

Looking at both of them one last time I sigh "No, Nagito forced me to do it, I was totally against the idea, but he said he would kill my family when we escaped if I didn't..... I'm really sorry..." I stutter, this reminded me of my family and brought tears to my eyes.
"It's ok f/n, we would have probably done the same in your situation.." Sonia says.
Hajime looks around one more time before saying "Ok Monocuma, I think we're ready to Vote..."
"Pupupuppuu! Ok everyone please casts your votes!"
"Congratulations, Nagito has been found guilty of forcing l/n to do it, Nagito Komaeda, The Super Highschool level luck, will now be punished!"

Looking at Nagito I see a tear roll down his face, mouthing the words "f/n... I love you..." before being scooped away by a chain collar.
Gasping I cover my hand over my mouth, I can't believe what I have just done... I lied to my friends just to be able to live... is that selfish...I can now imagine Nagito replying to that question, "No, I don't blame you, it's just human nature, don't worry everyone would have done that, please don't worry f/n, I forgive you, who wants worthless trash like me anyway.... bye sweet f/n....bye"

The large screen just flickered on,  with a title screen saying the "Rope Master".

Komaeda is standing on a platform that resembles a circus’s flying trapeze. Countless ropes hang onto the platform. Monokuma begins to cut off the ropes one by one. But all of them are not connected to anything. Frustrated, he punches the cutting machine and sets the platform on fire. Monokuma escapes. Komaeda, with no ropes or any other way to escape, dies.

I can't speak, I can't even breath.... I soon collapse on the spot.... Nagito... Nagito is dead...
I feel a hand rub my back. "It's over now, it's Ok. Everything will be alright, let's go back and have some dinner, Yeah?".
Hearing Hajime's reassuring voice I smile, yeah that's right, I'm fine, Hajime's fine, everyone is Ok, it's over, no more chaos In my Life.
Walking back to my cottage, I hold Hajime's hand, so warm.... we grab some food before parting, when I arrive at my room, I noticed a letter on my bed, opening it I read it out loud...

"Dear f/n l/n
It's Nagito here, by the time you get this, I expect I shall already be dead, If the class trial goes as I have planned. Was my execution good? I hope you will all find hope from it somehow, anyway that's beside the point.
I doubt I'll ever have the courage to say this to you but : I love you, I really do...
When we first met I thought you were annoying, an error in my plan that I haven't been able to conquered, something I hadn't plan for. But as the time went on, I start to realise you brought me joy and remind me of someone very special to me. That being my mother... You cared for me, like last night, I could see you were trying so hard to help me, it felt nice.... I believe you would have been the only path available to a happy life. But then I would have made your life a misery. But as you have seen in the end, I care about you more than I do about myself, and I want to thank you for making my last days the happiest in my life. You brought the hope I needed so now I can rest in peace, I glad I could die for a worthy cause...Thank you f/n.. thank you from the bottom of my heart...

Signed Nagito Komaeda"

I'm can't do this alone.... please no I can't.. rushing into Hajime's room, I see him jump up worried.
"F/n? F/n are you all-" but getting cut off as I embraced him in a hug.
Feeling his bone structure and muscles change to accept my hug, a smile creeps onto my face "Hajime... I... I love you...", I need someone to let my emotions out, I need him, but better than that: I WANT him.
Hearing him say "The feeling is mutual.." made me get all warm, cosy and fuzzy... Ohh Hajime.
Looking up into his eyes, I feel his large hands on the back of my head, closing my eyes I allow him to kiss me, opening my heart, allowing someone inside, slowly, but surely healing me. I feel him fix me. Safe, secure and alive.
Pulling me down and tucking me up in bed we snuggle down, stroking his hair we smile at each other. The warmth of his body is being transferred over to mine. Soon falling asleep muttering the words "Hajime... I love you, so, soooo much..."

************The Future***********

After finding out Hajime personality doesn't exist in the real world, we made a decision to stay together in this virtual world forever, until our real bodies died.
The guilt of killing Nagito nearly drove me insane until one day I suddenly forgot it all, I forgot everything that happened between me and Nagito. Hajime never mentioned it, as he didn't want to upset me. We lived happily together on this island.
He care for me and I care for him,  we eventually managed to bring Chiaki back, and the future foundation created some NPC (non-player-characters) for us, to keep us entertained. Everyone else managed to escape soon after Nagito execution and I expect the feed us in real life a kept us alive.
The main thing was I loved him and he loved me.
And that is all we ever needed.

****Hajime Ending Complete****

Well I hoped you enjoyed.

Personally I prefer the Nagito ending. (which will be published soon). But I hope this meets all you satisfactions!

If you enjoyed please vote, to show you appreciation, it's taken me a long time to write this.
And if you want read the Nagito ending as well cause WHY NOT!

Anyway thanks again for reading and enjoy your life with Hajime!

Lunanime xx

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