Testing my Ultimate skill

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************Nagito's POV*********

After having a break I decided to get to work, f/n should only be about 40 minutes if everything goes according to plan.
I swiftly walk to Usami's house and peering inside I acknowledge that no-one was in, creeping in I notice a pink box which I discovered earlier which lead to me knowing that Chiaki was the traitor, if only she had come to me and confessed, things would be a lot easier and... I wouldn't be putting f/n in danger, Urh I am such a horrible person I can't even think of a plan that can prevent her from suffering... I wonder what she is thinking of right now, is she focus on the operation, I wonder how her mind is working right now. Is she scared or determined or is she thinking about me... Bringing myself back to reality I realise that I need to complete my part of the deal, I wouldn't want to let her down now would I, I grab the bedpost which snaps off, feeling a sharp pain shot through my arm. I quickly winced in shock but once I have acknowledged the pain it didn't bother me, smashing the tv in Usami's room I left and make my way back to the warehouse where my crime scene is set out.
Opening the door I was careful not to knock the firelighter over, looking up at the moniters and cameras I quickly calculated the blind spots, all I needed to do was pretend like I was proceeding with the origional plan but with a twist.

*************Your POV***********

I reached the Sea King factories with all the different machinery.
Closing the door I swiftly make my way over to the control panels. Glancing round I notice a camera looking down at me and part of the computor screen.

I sit down making sure my head is covering part of the screen which the camera can see.
Thinking over the plan and what I needed to do:
As the ultimate designer I am able to design the ultimate human body, looking over at the robot making mashine I try to remember what happen when I sent my designs to the factories.
Programming the basic functions I was able to use that to design the ultimate bodies of me and Nagito, this takes me about 35 mins, Glancing once again at the camera I design ragged looking stuffed toy.
Logging off the computor I glance up and sniff, wiping a fake tear out of my eye I go and grab the bodies of Nagito and me, hiding them round the corner away from camera view.
I grabbed the toy and when back to the computor, I push the chair and hug the teddy saying out loud "Thank you Soo much for enabling me to create Snuggles!".
I needed to make sure the camera thought I was just making the little toy for an insignificant purpose eg. personal pleasure. Walking off I start to quietly laugh, I am happy that every thing was going as planned.
Obviously just I thought that Hajime just happened to walked through the door.
Standing there in utter shock I realise thst I am frozen to the spot.
When he notices me he blushes and says "Ohh errrr I'm sorry about the others and the rumors".
I really wanted to apolised to him for being a prick earlier when I ran away but I couldn't have him feeling any more sympathetic for me than he does now. Stuttering I mumour "Ohh...err what are yo..., what are you doing here..?".
Confidently he replies "I was still worried about so I came to find you to see if you are ok. Wait whats that behind your back?"
Reluctantly moving my hand I notice that I had the cuddle toy squished between my clammy hands. "Ohh this ... Errmm...", think over in my head why I had made it, Ohh yeah to make the camera believe that I was only making a toy to comfort me and nothing else.
After a moment of silent Hajime suddenly blurted out "YOU KNOW IT'S OK TO HAVE SOMETHING THAT REMINDS YOUR HOME, there's.... There's no shame in... that, even if it a cuddly toy..."
Still standing there in shock I take time to process what he said "Ohh... The bear....".
"Well yeah what else would I be talking about?" Hajime stated blushing.

"Ohh yeah, I'm sorry it's my faverite toy from when I was at home with my parents..." I lie, feeling guilty.
"I said it's fine, it's normal right? f/n, Come here"
Slowing I walk towards him and suddenly Hajime embraces me and whispers in my ear " I sorry for not standing up for you F/n..."

***********Hajime's POV*********

I gave f/n a hug to trying to comfort her when she suddenly pushed me away, looking down she exclaims "This.... This is not right. I'm sorry Hajime.., please leave.. just go, I'm really sorry... I'm so sorry".
I guess she must still be upset about the crush rumor, don't blame her but I don't want to leave her alone with that Nagito on the loose, but what else could I do.
I guess I shouldn't embarrass her anymore so I left to head to the main island to where chiaki was, after walking quietly out of the factory, I feel better knowing now that she was only making a teddy bear, she was just like any other girl. She need some sort of reassurance, beleieving she would be fine I found myself crossing a bridge"

**********Nagito's POV***********

I started to hear heavy footsteps outside the door, cautiously I hid behind the door minding the lighter.
What I experienced next was very weird.


Ok finally there will be more Nagito and reader moments. Sorry there has been so much Hajime, it just something extra to write about"

Well done for reading this far, if you have my question just message me, of course some stuff is still a mystery to you. You will find out details later on!

Lunanime xx

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