Nagito's dying message...

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*******Hajime's POV*********

It's a new day, a new morning without Chiaki and dear sweet f/n..., 2 less person in this god forsaken game... or 3 if you wanna count Nagito in that equation.
I suppose its time to make my way to breakfast, so slowly I stumble out of bed, I knew the atmosphere won't be the same without her or f/n-Chan around, that had clearly made the world a darker place for me to live in...
Stumbling up the stairs I see everyone crowding over a laptop, peering over I see Nagito saying something :

"Hm.... I wonder who's watching this message? The traitor working for future foundation? If so congratulations.... It must have "ended as I hoped", but if this is being seen by "the other kids and not the traitor"... It's regretful, but that means I have lost. This is the opposite of what I had hoped, but there's not much I can do about it..... Then, I stop with all these useless statements and go ahead with the true matter at hand. I don't know which side I should talk to, so I'll talk in a way which is understandable to both. First, as to why I did what I did... there must be those of you who are curious. I simply... followed through with what I had stated as my intentions. As a reward for completing the Final Dead Room, I was told the secret of a certain truth... It would have been bothersome if the rest of you had found out, so I disposed of those pages... But it was still stunning. Surely...". The screen suddenly glitched out and Kazuichi suddenly hit the screen to make it work as it seemed like Nagito was saying something important. After a good bashing it continued to play "Although the Future Foundation traitor must have know that from the start... after learning the truth of this world, I decided I would have to act accordingly, but then, I can't be to hard on hinta-kun, Can I? When I truly admire his star role..." But once the computer cracked up and started to glitch, after a few second it came back on "Still, once I examined Monocuma's actions in this new light... I began to understand his goals. His effort to give us hope by dropping hints of the secret of this island and information about future foundation... we're so that they would eventually lead us to the worst despair... and Monocuma wanted to show that despair to someone... that someone being...".
"Damn this glitchly computer" Kazuichi says while hitting it.
Flashing on it continues to say "That's truly despair-inducing truth... Who is Monocuma really?, to be able to come up with such a plan? But that's enough of the past, let's talk about the future. If you want to free yourself from Monocuma's schemes, you need to do to go to that place... the Key to that place... is in Nezumi's Castle. It seems as though originally you need to follow some sort of formal procedure to access that place... But that message allow you to bypass that. By creating a sort of short cut. Might it have not been left to Monocuma or Monomi.... but that someone? Although it's of no importance to me..."
The computer frozen once again before flashing back on "I felt the need to conceal it until my plan were finished, but there's no need for me to continue to hide it now. Then I present to you the password... 11037. That was the password written in Nezumi's castle. You can use that to get into that place, from there you can escape from Monocuma. Alright, that was alot but... that's all I have to say. My role in the story is now over... But I have faith... That my actions will be the cornerstone of the hope of the world. And if that indeed happens... Praise me! Tell everyone of my feats. Raise statues to me. Worship me. Call me super-duper highschool level Hope!"
The computer suddenly switched off leaving us all thinking.
Once he had stopped we all fell silent and stared not able to move our eyes, completely and utterly speechless until suddenly suddenly the Monitor popped on displaying that ugly annoying bear : "Ding Dong, Bing Bong. Ahem... Hope Peak Academy's School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make... For your own interest I suggest you go to the hospital on the second island, unless you wanna be killed by your favorite bear.... pupupupuuuu!"
"Why the fuck do we need to do what that bears says now, we just got told by that Bastard how to defeat Monocuma!" Fujihiko explained
"Please remember that Monocuma can still kill us before we get to that place... if he so much as suspects that we are not intending to go to the hospital...." I say, trying not to sound as if I want to do as the bear asks.
Kazuichi mumbles the following words "Fujihiko... I think Hajime's right..."
"Humph...Bastard!" Fujihiko replies while Kazuichi edged away slowly.
Thinking while everyone slowly dispersed towards the hospital, who was Fuijhiko calling a Bastard...? Kazuichi for telling him I was right, or me? for being right when he was wrong, clearly it could be Monocuma for being an idiotic annoying bear, or at Nagito for being Nagito or even at f/n? The guilt hits me as we have forgotten her. All this talk about Nagito, Nagito did that and Nagito did this and why he would do that, but why would f/n do that, it's not like was unhappy or anything like Nagito may have been, well I never fully understood that man..., but f/n... I thought I had her figured out; the last thing I want to do is disrespect her decision, so there must have been a good reason.. right, I trusted her. Not that theres anything not to trust or maybe it was Nagito, did he really kidnap her, but he wasn't that kind of guy, or was he... urhhhh this was frying my brain and giving me a headache.
Before I knew it I was at the hospital opening the doors upfront of everyone. Quickly noticing that the couch messed up I ran up the stairs and push open the nearest door only to find two familiar figures arm in arm.


In the next chapter I'm going to have a bit from Monocuma's POV, just cause I can cause I'm the author (and there nothing you can do to stop me!) :p
I'm thinking as the ending is coming up, would you like a choice nearer the end to see if you want to choose Hajime or Nagito? I can easily adjust the storyline to make that happen, please reply in the comments.
And I want to say thank you to HopeNagi_Bae, as I was really happy when I read your comment in the previous chapter and it inspired me to write some more, as I was a bit annoyed earlier because I wrote this whole chapter with that message from Nagito, word by word taking about 2.5 hours to have it be accidently deleted... so thanks a bunch HopeNagi_Bae! (You totally gave me hope/inspiration! XD)

Lunanime xx

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