First Encounter

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Eric POV
I didn't know what to do exactly. Jackie had instructed me to present myself to one of them in my true form but I couldn't exactly think of a proper way to do this. I had to trance her before we got to the forest so that she didn't remember where we were going and I drove just outside of Manchester, watching her phone for any signs of her brother. I tapped my foot, looking at her occasionally. The trance syrup I used is inhaled through the skin and she is simply sleeping but I didn't exactly like the way she'd stir and whimper. I pulled over the woods. I got out and picked her up bridal style preparing to carry her through to the meadow a half of mile in. She whimpered and turned her head to the side. They was a long scar from her collar bone to her ear, that I hadn't noticed before. I sat her down in the middle of the meadow and stepped into the shadows of the forest to undress and change. I shifted and strolled over to her nudging her head with my nose. She stirred but didn't wake. I licked her face and she shot up and looked around. Her eyes widened and she gaked at me. I snorted a laugh and nudge my head under her hand. She looked into my eyes. "Eric?" I licked her again. She tasted fairly sweet. She wiped her face on her shirt.
"Ew." She laughed. I nudged her forehead and she fainted again. But this time she wouldn't remember me at all. All she'd remember is a little art supply shop and a cone of ice cream from the Station. I changed back and got dressed again. I didn't like always ripping my good shirts when I change.
I carried her back to the car and laid her across the back seat. I got in and started the car. My phone buzzed in the cup holder. I picked it up and noticed that Kota had texted me again. She was once again filling me in on the problems with her and Alonso. I loved the both of them but I could give lesser fucks about their relationship issues. I looked at Candance, who seems to sleep like an angel. "Ah, It was little ol me that showed you the world beyond humans." I say loudly. She sits up and looks around. I grin.
"You fell asleep so I moved you back there." I told her. She nods and rubs her eyes. I look at my head.
"Don't let me sleep." She frowned, climbing into the passenger seat. I looked over at her.
"Why not?" I questioned. She mumbled something and I craned my neck to hear. "Pardon?"
"Just don't okay."she snapped. I nodded, defeatedly. Someone wasn't a happy riser. Now that the tension of the challenge given to me by Jackie was over, I could relax. I smirked at my guest. She looked at me and frowned, surprisingly turning red. I stared but she pointed to the road impatiently. I pout, wanting her to play along with me. I couldn't help but drive now.
"Where do you live?" I asked. She frowned and handed me her phone .
"I don't know how to get there yet." she whimpered. I felt something yake in me as her distress reached my ears. My wolf whimpered and I felt looked at her.
"That's okay. When did you move in?" I asked.
"A week ago." she answered. I nodded. "I'm sure it takes a bit to remember stuff like that. Manchester is different from London. So many little streets and communities, it's nearly impossible to navigate." I encourage. She flashed a mini smile as I pull up to her apartment building. I parked out front and she started to get out. I opened the door for her and walked her inside. I walked her all the way to the door. She stopped in front of her door. "This is my flat." She said. I loved how short she was compared to me. Dakota was almost my height but Candance was shoulder height to me. I grin at her and leaned down to peck her cheek, carefully. She must have liked it because she blushed lightly. I sensed that she was avoiding and phyiscal connections with me. She was mentally playing me in the "best guy mate" area. I had no problem with that of course. She didn't have to like me or anything. I'd be more comfortable if she did just a little bit to match me but if she didn't want that little bit to ruin her then that was okay. That won't stop me from teasing her evilly.
"Good night, Eric." Someone beside us said. I pulled away and smiled innocently at Romeo, whose eyebrow was raised above his glasses. "Night, Romeo. Night, Candy."
I move out of the way as Candy goes in and holds the door for a moment. She turns back around and presses her lips against mine and for a few seconds I was in bliss. She pulled away and I brought my fingers to my lips.
"Just needed to get that off my chest. Goodnight, Eric." she said, closing the door. I stood, gaping at the door like a moron. I turned and went took the lift back doorstairs. Today was pretty fulfilled. I completed my task and I got a little fun out of it. I got in my car and made my way home. When I got there, to no surprise, there was a sleeping couple taking up my bed. I knew the rules of mating. You must earn your right to a mate, only then could you be blessed by the goddess to be true mates. I bit my lip nervously, feeling a little tingly from the kiss with Candance. I pull a few blankets out of the closet and put them on the floor. I glance at the one girl I've ever loved lay snuggling with my best friend and future Alpha. I laid on the floor feeling utterly lonely in such a big world. This is a good time to sleep.

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