Tell Me I'm Safe

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Eric POV

I have yet to talk to Dakota about my feelings for her. Nevertheless, I sit silently as she and whatever guy she's dating now make out. I refused to look up at them, instead I stare down at my phone and wish I didn't have to drive her home. I hated being her friend sometimes. A notification from Candance ringed in my ears. I smiled lightly and opened the chat.

Am I aggressive? She asked. I chuckled, quietly. I wonder what strange conversation she was having with Jay and Beni that was making her question herself.

Only when you're upset or used to someone. I replied. She must have hit them or something.

Where are you? She asked.

Out. I lied. I couldn't have her over until she was fully accepted into House. If I showed her something without the proper mind eraser, Raven would neuter me. I couldn't have that. Today, it's a good time for that.

Ok. After that, she didn't text me back.

Tonight. Jackie texted me. I shook my head and scoffed in disbelief. We can't do this. Not to them.

My issue with House is their divine need to bring more of themselves into their world. Even those who are obviously being protected by their family. Especially the children. In a pack, the only reason a child is to fight is because they outnumber the adults. Yet with nightcrawlers. They kill a raven at the age of five. The Tiptons, they were no different.

I can smell the blood on Candance. Every time I look at her, I can smell the powerful coursing through her skin. It was like when I first met Raven. She being born into a nightcrawler family and she abandoned them. I was never to hate her. I just was intimidated.

Now, that's all I could feel around Alexandria and Candance. They were crawlers whether I liked it or not. I could do nothing but protect them as it all starts. I knew it was starting. The war that will never end.


I loved seeing Lex happy. She and Z have been talking a lot lately and though they weren't together, I could tell they enjoyed each other's company. I'd never seen her in love. I sat quietly in the lounge of our apartment. I had been in there for about an hour as I listen to them giggling about in her room. Eric was laid across the book, his face buried in my lap. I stroked his hair carefully as he slept, well I think he was asleep. He had stopped talking. I hummed softly just imagining the dreams I've been having. Every night I have a strange dream but my friends and me fighting. I tinted my head to the side to stretch my neck out some.

Something was wrong with the last couple of weeks, I didn't know what it was but everyday I see my friends, I can't help but stare at them. Everything they do is so... Strange. Eric said I was being silly but he made me feel the worst of everyone. He just radiated a tension that made it impossible for me to breathe around him. His whole being was strong and animalistic. I was terrified of him but I had no clue why.

"Candy, are you trying to rip out my hair for your collection?" Eric said, softly. I loosened my grip on him as he turn his body facing up. I refused to look down into his eyes instead I occupied myself by closing my eyes and imagining the story I would be telling later tonight at the station. I could still feel his stare on me, but I didn't like down.

"Are you doing to the Station soon?" He asked. I nodded. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. I had a bit before I had to start getting ready. I huffed. This was the shift I had with Jackson, how actually hated more than anyone. I don't know why but I just knew he couldn't stand my fucking guts.

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