The way home

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Steve's pov: "Hey Steve how bout we go to bucks party tonight!" Soda said looking over the oil in the car we were working on. I haven't been to one of Bucks parties in awhile and it sounded like fun, beer, the gang, and some good looking broads was just what I needed.

"Sure sounds fun!" I said excitedly tightening a wire to the engine. "Alright well want to meet up there? I'm gonna go get cleaned up after work." Soda said. "Yeah sounds good." I said finishing up the last of the problems on the car. Soda's shift was over so he left to go get ready, I closed the shop up and headed home to go get ready.

(Couple hours later)

I hitched a ride with Tim Shepherd who was also on his way to Bucks place for the party. It was supposed to be one of the biggest parties Buck has had, people from out of town were supposed to be coming. When I walked in I was amazed by all the bodies that fit in that place,the smell of booze and alcohol hit my nose. I looked around looking for Soda and the rest of the gang soon enough I found him and ol' Dally talking to some greaser girls.

"Hey Steve!" Soda said walking over to me. "Hey man, this is some party huh!" I said over the loudness of the music. "Yeah, Dal said he has never seen it get this big!" Soda said. "Hey I'm going to go get a beer, want one?" I asked already knowing Soda would say no. Soda doesn't really drink or smoke only when he is worried or something is bothering him. "Nah man I'm good but I'll come with you." He said as we walked to the bar. "Who is all here from the gang?" I asked taking a drink of my beer. "Dally, Twobit, Me and you. Pony and Johnny stayed home. Darry stayed behind too." I was really glad Johnny and Pony didn't tag along it was getting pretty intense and physical.

(Two hours later)

The guys and I decided to leave finally after two hours. I didn't really drink as much as I thought, two beers was all I had. As we walked back to the Curtis house I noticed a blue mustang drive past us, I thought it was weird because it drove right past us without slowing. Soda noticed it too because he looked at me with confusion on his face.
We were half way to the Curtis house when I thought I heard screaming, I just kept telling myself it was the beer until Dally stopped and looked around.

"Do you guys hear that man?" Dally said. "You hear it to!" I said looking at him confused. "Listen man." Dally said stopping and listing. We all tried to be as quiet as possible when suddenly it sounded like two girls screaming. We all looked at each other not knowing where it was coming from.
"Come on." Soda said starting for the park a few feet away. We all followed running to see what was going on and who it was, soon when we got there a blue mustang was parked. The same blue mustang that past us when we left Bucks place. There were four soc's and two girls. One was on the floor holding her side crying the other was getting held up by two soc's and the third soc hit her in the stomach. I hurried and ran to get the soc's away from them the rest of the guys following and helping.

It was Bob and Randy and two other guys, we got a couple hits into them before they got into there car and drove off. I looked at Soda who was cheering and hollering all of are adrenaline was running. "I don't mean to interrupt your bromance or something but" Twobit said. The two girls were out cold on the ground. "Let's take them to my place and Darry can see if there okay." Soda said. Me and Dally carried them the rest of the way to the Curtis house wasn't that far away. We walked in and Johnny and Pony shot up from the couch with a confused look on there face.

"Darry!" Soda shouted as me and Dally laid the girls on both couches. "What the hell. What happened!" Darry said walking from the kitchen. "That Soc Bob and his friends." Twobit said handing Darry the first aid kit. Darry cleaned them up and then we told him the whole story of what happened.

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