Only you Randle

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(A picture of Emma & Lexi. Emma is on the left Lexi is on the right.)

         My heart was beating so fast I could barely speak. She just looked up at me with her big soft brown eyes and I choked on my words. Everybody watched as I tried to spit out the words but I couldn't. My mind was racing and all these negative thoughts just came to my mind. Me, Steve Randle had negative thoughts and got scared of being rejected.
" So umm Lexi I was wondering umm.." The words just wouldn't come out. "Umm do you like chocolate cake?" I couldn't believe what I just said. I looked back at Soda who just sighed at me. I felt like I let my best friend down and mostly myself.
"Oh well um yeah I love chocolate cake." Lexi chuckled. She turned to Emma who had a huge grin on her face. She looked at me then back at Lexi. I just couldn't understand why I couldn't just ask her, I really like Lexi and want to get to know her better but how when I'm to scared to even ask her out on a date! A million thoughts started to fill my mind. I couldn't believe what I just did.
"Alright well we better head off to work." Soda said shooting me a soft smile. We didn't have to go in for another seven minutes but I knew he was just saving me from embarrassment.
    "Well y'all have fun. Hey me and the girls might come by later!" Dally said smirking over at Emma who was trying to keep her cool but starting to blush. "Alright. See y'all later." Soda said walking out the door with me following close behind.    As Darry drove us to the Dx we were all silent. Soda kept glancing over at me a couple times and I could tell he just wanted to laugh. I mean who wouldn't! I made a huge fool of my self. Steve, Steve Randle scared to ask out a girl. Scared of getting rejected. But it was just something about her that makes me scared. I mean I have dated a good amount of girls and all but none have ever made me feel the way Lexi has. Lexi doesn't seem like a lot of other girls. I mean she is nice and sweet but there is just so much more to her. I was so happy to ask her this morning but once the moment came and she looked at me with those big beautiful brown eyes I just panicked. I didn't want her to say no and it get awkward or something... I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't even notice we pulled up to the Dx. I popped the door open and got out of the truck. I made my way inside and grabbed a Coke from the cooler before sitting down behind the counter. I put my head in my hands and sighed. Twobit or one of the other guys are probably trying to make a move on Lexi. I probably blew my chances with her.
   " Only you Randle!" Soda said scaring me a little making me jump. "What?" I said a bit confused of what he was talking about. "Only you would be the one to chicken out of asking a girl out." Soda said laughing.
I looked at him with a serious look. "Alright man what happened? Why did you back out?" He asked sitting on the stool next to me.
For the next five minutes I fill Soda in on what and why I didn't ask Lexi out.

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