In love?

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Soda's pov: I listened as Steve told me why he got cold feet while trying to ask out Lexi. I have known Steve almost my entire life and not once have I ever seen him talk about a girl the way he talks about Lexi. When he talks about her he goes into detail and his eyes light up. He can't even say her name without smiling big.

"Well it sounds to me like you my friend are IN LOVE!" I said emphasizing the words in love. "What! But how? I know nothing about this broad? How could I possibly be in love." Steve said laughing a bit. "Steve it's not a bad thing." "I know it's not but how? How do you know I'm in love?" He asked. "Steve I have known you forever and you have dated a good amount of girls and not once have I seen you talk about one of them the way you talk about Lexi. The way you say her name it's different than any of the other girls you have dated or even flirted with." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Really? I mean yeah I have never felt this way about any girl but still I know nothing about her. How do I know I even like her personality?" He said. "Look Steve just do what you need to do!" I said putting my hand on his shoulder and patting him. It was time to open the Dx. I walked to go turn the sign to open and go finish on the car in the back before the owner came to pick it up in a few. Steve still sat on the stool behind the counter with his head down in his hands. I know he will ask her out he just needs some time but he will.

Steve's pov: I sat there with my head down in my hands just thinking. Why the hell am I so scared! All I could think about was her smile the way her hand felt in mine when we went back to the park to go find her bag. She didn't take are hands apart when I went to hold it so that has to mean something. What if she does like me?

  "Hey Steve!" I heard getting snapped out of my thoughts once more. I looked up to see Emma and Lexi at the counter with three cokes. "Hey what are y'all doin here?" I asked ringing them up. "Dally brought us to come get a Coke. He said he was really thirsty for a Coke but I don't think it's for a Coke." Lexi said laughing and turning to Emma who had a huge grin on her face. I couldn't help but laugh that was a pretty good one. "What ever. Dallas is cool but I barely know the guy!" Emma said laughing. "Well what do you say about going on a date with me tonight so we can get to know each other better." Dal said smirking. "Alright but don't try anything funny." Emma said chuckling. "Funny is my middle name doll face." He said grabbing his Coke from the counter and giving me the money for them. The two of them would look cute together. The way Dally looks at her is different then the way he looked at anyone. He try's to be more respectful around Emma and come on Dallas Winston and respectful are two very different things.

  "So where's Soda?" Dally asked taking a drink of his Coke. "He is in the back working on some guys car. He is coming to get it in a bit." I said. "Come on let's go see what this grease ball is doing." Dally said walking in the back with Emma close behind.

"And then there were two." Lexi said making us both laugh. You know she is really funny. "So um Lexi I was won..." I got cut off by the sound of the Dx door open. "Excuse me can you help me. My car needs gas." A broad said walking up to the counter. I looked at Lexi who was staring at the girl. "Sure thing." I said coming from behind the counter. I walked to go out front to go fill the girls car up with her following. I opened her gas tank and started filling her car up. Watching as the numbers made there way up to ten gallons I closed her gas tank and gave her the recite. "Your all full. Have a nice day!" I said trying to hurry but not sound rude. "Wait!" She said handing me a piece of paper with a phone number on it. I mean she is a really good looking broad but nothing compared to Lexi. "Call me some time." She said getting in her car.

I walked back into the Dx crumbling up the little piece of paper that girl gave me. I didn't want to call her, heck I don't want nothing to do with her. I walked up to the counter seeing Lexi. She was sitting on the counter flipping threw a magazine. I don't think she knew but she looked so cute doing it.
"Dang Randle I bet you get a lot of girls in here don't ya!" She said not taking her eyes off the magazine. "What?" I asked but clearly knowing what she meant. "I bet a lot of girls come in and out of here just to flirt with you and Soda." She said putting the magazine down and chuckling. "Yeah sometimes but there all the same. Girls here in Tulsa are all the same." I said. "What do you mean?" She asked looking a bit confused. "Most girls in Tulsa are the same. They all dress the same, act the same. They are sluts basically." I said filling myself grow angry. All I could think of was Evie my Ex girlfriend we were together for almost two years and I found out she was cheating on me with multiple different guys the whole time we were together.
"Oh." Lexi said looking down as her feet dangled from the counter. "Lexi I was wondering um.. You see there is this.. Well I was wondering.." "Are you trying to ask me on a date?" She asked cutting me off. "How did.." "I could tell by the way you were talking. Plus I don't think Twobit knows how to keep secrets." She said smiling. "You know you sure are cute when your nervous." She said hopping off the counter. I felt my cheeks burn a bit. "Well tomorrow night seven o'clock. If that's okay." I said. "It's a date!" She said attempting to wink. Man is she cute!

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