Chapter 3

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I walked up to my siblings room and waited outside the door.

'She's a witch.' Eric said.

'It's that stick. If you look in her eyes, she can control you,' Simon replied.

'She scares me.' Chrissie added.

I furrowed my eyebrows trying to picture and figure out what they were saying. I walked into the room to see that Tora, Eric, and Aggie were missing. I walked into their washroom. Simon  folllowed after me. "What on Earth are you doing?" Simon asked. "We're getting ready for bed." Eric replied. I heard a slight splash in the tub that was shallowly filled with water. "Aggie! Be careful with that. It was Mum's," Tora said. She picked up the rattle that fell in the tub. I took Aggie from her arms and rocked her back and forth. I started humming a lulaby that Mum used to sing. "C'mon, Aggie. Let's get you to bed." I smiled at her, before walking back into the bedroom. I placed her in her crib and sat on Simon's bed. He sat next to me shortly after and leaned his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him as he leaned into me.
Nanny McPhee entered the room in a matter of minutes. Simon sat up and got out of my arms and shot the the newest nanny a glare, but it quickly turned into a smirk. My siblings burst into gigles and chuckles when she walked down the aisle of beds. Simon sat up from leaning on me and scooted away from me with an 'innocent' smirk on plastered his face. He sat with his legs crossed and almost seemed like a puppy desperate for attention.

"You must feel at such a disadvantage, Nanny McPhee," Simon said, still smirking.

"In what way?" She asked

"We know your name... but you don't know ours," Simon replied. He held out his hand for her to shake.

"Pleased to make your acquantence, I'm Oglinton Fartworthy," Simon said, gigling. The room was filled with fart noises and laughter. A slight grin was plasstered on my face as I tried to hold in my laughter. Nanny McPhee took Simon's hand in her's and shook it. "How d'you do?" She asked with a straight face. "That's F-A-R-T, Fartworthy," Simon sid, making sure that she heard him correctly. "Booger McHorsefanny" Tora said, hiding her smirk under her blankets. "O'Muffin," Lily smirked. "Sandra," Eric said with a straight face. "Bum," Chrissie giggled, sitting up straight. "I'm Bum!" Seb argued, sitting up in bed to face Chrissie. "Oh, Bosoms," Chrissie said, lying back down in bed, still laughing. More giggles filled the air as I let out a small laugh. "Bum," Aggie gurgled. "You can't be Bum, Aggie! Sebastian's Bum. You're Poop," Chrissie said, siting back up in bed. "Poop Bum," Aggie giggled. "You can't be Poop and Bum!" Seb said back.
Nanny McPhee started walking down the aisle again.
"Good night, Agatha." She started
"Good night, Sebastian."
""Good night, Christiana,"
"Good night, Eric."
"Good night, Lily."
"Goodnight, Tora."
She reached the end of the beds and turned around to face us. "Goodnight, Simon. Goodnight, Annabelle-Grace." She finished before exiting the room. I slightly glared at her. I hated when people used my full name. It was too long and too formal. "Goodnight, guys." I said before leaving the room. I walked up to my room, hung up my new dress and crawled into bed.

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