Chapter 13:Back to Back

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Aww come here cuddles" Drew laughed

"Kinda name is cuddles?" I popped his neck, "Shut up Stanky Man" He dropped his smile and pinched my leg

"You know longer my fwend..." aaaaw

" was boring anyways" he laughed

"Whateva heffa" he flipped his imaginary hair and stood up going into the kitchen with royal right behind him
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Andrew Pov

As i made my way into the kitchen , i was warming the rest of the salsa and making Royals apple sauce when my phone rang

"babygirl answer that?" i blocked out what she said until she said it was Momma bear



"Boy is that anyway to talk to your....."
i blocked her out

I groaned, "If you want dick just say so"

We hung up.
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