someone to love me

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I guess I always had a misconception of what love really was. All I knew is that I just wanted someone to love me that's all. Here I was basically being dumped by my new boyfriend that I was so infatuated with. His dark hair and that sly grin. He sold enough blow to give me the money for an abortion and dropped me and my sister off at a clinic downtown. His words lingered in the air and whispered softly to me, "Tanya, I want to get to know you better and we can't do that with another kid, I already have a little girl who is 18 months old and her mama and I are split up. It won't work, Tanya. Plus, how do I know it's mine. I just met you".....
How do I know it's mine? One of the most popular phrases in history. Well, we shall see. I sat next to my sister in the waiting room of this run down unsanitary looking clinic. I don't know what I would have done without my sister that day. That day I made a decision that would decide my fate. I just wanted someone to love me

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