Michael sad imagine

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*Your pov*
It was a Monday morning and it was cold and windy you had found out a week ago that you had cancer, the cancer was in a place the couldn't get to so of they tried to get it out you'd be dead. Today was the day your boyfriend of four years Michael Clifford was coming around for a visit as at the moment he was on break from his tour.
You were making your self a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang, answering it you found Michael standing at the door "hey babe" he said embracing you on a tight hug. "Hi" you replied closing the door. "I've gotten you a present" he said as you both sat on the couch he placed the present wrapped in wrapping paper on your lap, you opens it to reveal a big box witch led to a smaller box witch then led to a smaller box, you open it to find a ring you look at Michael to see him I front of you on one knee "y/n, I've waited forever to do th-" "Michael stop" you said tears welling in your eyes " wait? Wha-what do you mean stop?" "I....i....." You sighed "I have cancer Michael" you said tears spilling out of your eyes he looks at you tears spilling down his cheeks "what? When did this happen? Can't they remove it? How long do you have???" He got up and started pacing asking all these questions, "I found out a week ago,it's in a spot they can't reach and I only have 6 months" you said tear making a pool on your dress he came to you and got on his knees I front if you "this can't b e true there must be something they can do? There has to be" he said crying in your lap, you grab his face in your hands "there's nothing they can do, it's too deep in and they won't be able to reach it" you said rubbing your thumbs under his eyes "what am I going to do with out you" he said starting to cry again "what you can do is love me, hold and cherish me for the next six months" you said "I'll never leave you Michael, not even when I'm gone, I'll always be here not only looking over you but in here" you say pointing to his heart he looked down an then back at you pulling you up with him, a song came on in the background as you both started dancing he started to sing softly to you "don't let me go".

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