"i love you okay!" - calum hood imagine

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“Calum hood imagine with prompts 100, 112 & 126.”
100. “You know what! i love you. I fucking love you okay!?”
112. “Why are you dressed like that?”
126. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before….and it scares the crap out of me”
You had been friend’s with luke hemmings for a long time and he introduced you to his band 1 year ago and you immediately fell for one of the boy’s

Calum was so sweet and funny and you liked that in a man but he was a bit off with you for the past month

Today you were sat in Ashtons apartment and laughing with him and the boy’s as you always do

“Where’s calum?” Ashton asked

“Yeah where is he?” You asked

You saw the boy’s look at each other with knowing looks and smiled

“He’s coming soon” luke said laughing again

You nodded and sat still

“Im gonna get into my dress” you said as the boy’s nodded

You walked into the spare room where your dress was and got ready

About half an hour later your were ready and walked out into the room the boy’s were

As you walked in fixing your earing’s you were met with wolf whistles

Smiling you looked around and saw calum next to luke with a frown

“Hey calum!” You said

“Why are you dressed like that?” He asked in a mean tone

“Like what?” You asked a bit upset

“You know what.” He said still looking angry

“You know what. I think im just gonna stay here.” You said upset as you made your way into the spare room

You heard lukevand the other boy’s yelling at calum

As you let a few tears fall you whiped them away as you heard a knock on the door

"What?” You asked

“Y/n, it’s me. Can i come in please?” Calum asked

You sighed

“Whatever” you said

As the door opened you hugged the pillow even more as you sat against the headboard

He came and sat down at the edge of the bed

“Im sorry for what i said. I didn’t mean it at all” he said with his head in his hand’s

“Then why say it?” You asked as you got up and started walking over to your husky butterball (its a cute name dont judge)

“Because” he said causing you to roll your eye’s

“Because? Is taht the best excuse you have for being a dick to me? I dont know what your probl-”

“You know what! I love you. I fucking love you okay!?” He said standing up

“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before….and it scares the crap out of me” he said as he leaned against the wall and slid down so he was on the floor

You gasped and made your way over to him and sat infront of him

“Why didn’t you just say so?” You asked quietly

He layed his legs out either side of you

“Because i knew you wouldn’t like me or even love me back.” He said in a whisper

“Well you were dead wrong” you said as you placed your finger under his chin as you lifted it up gently

Moving closer untill your lips completely connected to his in a passionate kiss

“Be mine?” He asked as you pulled back for air

You nodded and smiled as he kissed you again

Getting up he held his hand out for you and helped you up

When you were standing he wrapped his arm’s around you

“By the way i wouldn’t mind having this on the floor later on and you in my bed” he whispered in your ear causing you to blush

Hitting his chest slightly you pushed him away

“I wouldn’t mind having this off you neither” you said as you pulled him back into you by his tie

He smirked at you and went to kiss you

“That’s my boii!” You heard the boy’s yell from the door

Calum sighed and grabbed your hand in his

“Let’s go yeah” he said and soon you were all heading to the party.

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