Chapter 17 - Anger

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"Chloe?" My mind snapped back to reality as Ashton snapped his fingers infront of my face. I couldn't help but think of Harrys lips on mine. The sensation was still tingling on my lips. I kept replaying the moment again and again in my head.

"Yes?" I said forcing myself into reality. Ashton was looking at me with worry and confusion, I knew he was concerned about me and partly mad too.

He had no idea that Harry kissed me, and it was going to stay that way. I wouldn't risk conflict between them, it would cause problems.

"You haven't touched your pizza, are you okay?" His headd tilted to the plate infront of me.

My focus went to the slice infront of me, it was untouched. I cleared my throat and met eyes with Ash again.

"I lost my apitite, ate too much ice cream." I came up with an excuse.

"But you were just opening the tub when we walked in- OW!"

I kicked Calum under the table, preventing him from finishing his sentence. I gave him a glare, he smirked and stuffed his face with pizza again. I rolled my eyes at his kiddish behavior.

"You wanna take a walk?" Ashton suggested, like earlier today when things weren't as good.. but right now things were better, but he didnt know that..and I gonna have to tell him sooner or later.


I knew if I didn't agree then Ashton would be even more pissed and ask more questions.


We both got up and left the pizza parlor, exiting out the back door so we wouldn't risk being seen by fans. Everybody knew me as 'Harry Styles Girlfriend' so I couldn't be seen with any other boys or rumors would start up.

We walked down the alley, but didnt get far before Ashton stopped  few feet away from the door of the palor.

Ashton didn't hesitate to get straight to the point. "What happened at the concert Chloe?"  All the thoughts of the kiss came flooding back, but I knew I couldn't tell Ashton. I cant do that to him, I know he cares about him. and I know what it feels like to be hurt by someone you care for..

"I guess just seeing Harry frazzled me.." I nearly whispered.Immediatley regreting my lie.

Ashton chuckled at my word choice.

"Chloe, don't worry about him anymore..Hes a dick. I would never do that to you."

Before I knew it I was wrapped in his arms. Warmth covered me.

But I felt a need to defend Harry, besides the bad things Harry was always kind. He was just amazing, but so was Ashton in a way. He was there to help me, and he never gave up on me.

What am I saying?

Oh I know Im just trying to convince myself that I don't have feelings for Ashton.

But I do.

At least I think I do.

Even when I yell at him or ignore him or call him rude things, he has never given up. I respect him for that, he's loyal and I know for sure its real feelings because he didn't sign a contract for a relationship with me.

Theres nothing fake about him.

Ashtons touch suddenly sent tingles through my skin. I snuggled farther into him. He would be a better boy for me than Harry.

Then Harry snapped into my head, im his girlfriend. If someone sees me with Ashton itll be all over twitter. I shrugged away from the hug, looking around for anybody who might be in sight.

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