New Family (2)

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"Guys, be quiet, I think she's waking up." I heard lots of footsteps walking away and it was quiet again. My eyes fluttered open and closed a few times then stayed open. My heart rate was definitely going up. "Who are you?" A tall man asked. "My name's Dani. Where am I? What happened? Who are you?" I said as my breathing slowed back down. 

The man chuckled."The name's Rick. You're in Dale's RV." He gestured over to an older looking man with a weird hat on. The man lifted his head up and smiled, then went back to doing something. I tried sitting up by the pain in my head was killing me. I slowly slid back down. Rick sighed. A woman about in her mid-30's came in and walked up to Rick.

They started talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. A minute or two later Rick and Dale left the RV and the woman sat next to me. "Hi sweetheart, I'm Lori. Rick's my husband."She said in a calm voice then sighed. "Rick doesn't really make exceptions to let outsiders into our group, but since you're alone and you look like you're barely a teenager, we don't want to send you back alone to die." She said placing her hand on my head.I smiled.

 She smiled back. "Mom, is she awake yet?" I heard a boy's from the door of the RV. He stepped up and brushed the hair out of his face. I turned my head to see who it was. It was a boy about my age. "Yes dear. You two can talk for a little while the rest of us check the different cars. Also, do not leave the RV without Dale or me knowing." The boy and I both nodded and Lori made her way out of the RV. "Hi. I'm Carl." The boy smiled. He was so cute. Every word he said was making me blush. "I'm Dani." I said slightly sitting up. My head barely hurt anymore. Carl smiled. For the first time, being with Carl made me forget about the death of my father.    

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