Bitten (5)

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"SOPHIA!" Her mom called in between sobs. I slowly crawled out from the car. My legs were shaking. My hands were sweating. I could hear Carl cursing under his breath. Daryl ran down to the guard rail and was about to jump over. "D, please. I don't want to lose you." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "You won't, ever." He kissed my forehead and dashed into the woods. 

A real tall man with black hair and a young Asian boy crawled out from under a large van and hopped over the guard rail. Lori walked over to me and put her arm on my shoulder and pulled me close. "The lady right there, that's Carol. She's Sophia's mom. The two guys who ran after Rick and Daryl, was Shane and Glenn." She sighed. A girl about in her late 20's came out of the RV with blood splattered all over her shirt. "Andrea. Come over here." Lori waved. Andrea came over and smiled. 

"This is Dani Dixon. Daryl's little sister." Lori said. Andrea smiled and nodded, then started talking to Lori. I started to look around for Carl, but I couldn't find him. Then I spotted him hopping over the guard rail. I made sure no one was looking and I made a quick dash to the rail. "Psst, Carl. Wait up!" I whispered. Carl turned and stopped in his tracks.

 I caught up and we began running in the forest. I could hear other footsteps. Could be walkers, could be Rick and the other guys. Carl and I traveled for about a half hour when we saw something running. "Sophia?" Carl called. The figure stopped moving. Then came running towards us. "Sophia!" Carl screamed. Sophia ran up and jumped into Carl's arms and cried. 

I kind of got a little jealous, but I pushed the jealousy away. I was happy we found her. "Did you get bit?" I asked curiously. She sighed and revealed a small bite on her left wrist. My eyes got wide. Then I remembered I took one of Daryl's sharp knives. "Hold your breath." I said. Sophia looked confused. I took the knife and slashed it into Sophia's wrist.

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