This Isn't Real (17)

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"Rick! Daryl! Hershel! Come in here!" Glenn called laying me on the ground with a blanket under me. Rick came running into the room. "Is she alright?" He asked. "I think she's in shock. Just like Beth was back at the farm." Glenn replied. Hershel quickly crutched his way in here and got on his knee to take a closer look.

"She's definitely in shock. Take her to her cell. We're gonna have to take turns looking after her." Hershel sighed. Glenn nodded and picked me up bridal style. "Where's Christian?" Rick asked. Glenn put his head down and shook it. Right when Rick asked Maggie and Beth walked in.

"Christian's gone?" Beth chocked out. Beth flung her arms around Maggie and they both began to cry. "Where's Daryl?" Glenn asked. "Last time we saw him was when we first brought Michonne into the prison." Rick said. "He stormed out and we haven't seen him since." Hershel put in.  "I'll go and look for him." I heard Carl say.

"Absolutely not. You're staying here. You're gonna take first watch on Dani." Rick argued. "No. I'm not gonna waste my time to watch some girl who I have nothing to do with. Do it yourself." Carl shouted. "Carl, he's your father. You can't talk to him like that." Maggie yelled.

"Listen, I think it's great that you want to help but-." Rick said. But I could hear the slamming on the cell door. Which means, he went to find Daryl. "Damn she's heavy." Glenn said trying to readjust me in his arms. "I'll take her." Rick said and Glenn gave me to him. "Jessica, Jennifer, you watch first. If she stops breathing or if she starts to move in any way, one of you come and get me or Glenn. Okay?"

"Yes." They said. Rick started walking and took me into my cell and carefully laid me on the bed. I heard the two girls move stools to sit on and just started talking to each other. I could hear one start the cut or sharpen something with a knife. I honestly felt like I was dead. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was Christian's smile.

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