When He First Saw You

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Klaus- was walking down the road looking at the stores and people. Your walking out of the grill your apron still on yelling at your shitty boyfriend. Klaus looks over at you and smiles a little admiring how your hair looked messy yet perfect.

Kol- You were the bartender that he always talked to. He knew your schedule. And would always come in when you were there. You had a small crush on him and liked forward to seeing him. He gave you a reason to come to work and to keep your low pay job.

Elijah- you were sitting in the library studying for finals. He walked in looking for a new read and you watched him as he looked through the book admiring his features. He looks up at you and smiles thinking about your beautiful eyes and winks before grabbing a book and walking out. Only wait out on the steps for you to come out, and spend the day talking.

Damon- You were at a frat party and you seen this mysterious figure lingering drinking but not dancing. You thought he was amazingly sexy and attractive. You walked over to talk and he blew you off. After the party he was outside and took you to the ally. You didn't know it hut he was gonna bite you and feed off you but he looked into your scared eyes and immediately fell for them. The foreign emotions startled him so he vamped away. Leaving you confused and scared.

Stefan- you are in charge of you senior year fund raiser and walking from house to house asking for donations. You walk up to the Salvatore house. Your friends telling you not to that its not safe. But you don't care. You don't want to leave a single house in asked. You walk up bravely and knock on the door. Stefan puts his diary down and walks over to the door opening looking you up and down and smiles. "What can I do for you?" He asks with a smile. You talk and end up scheduling to get a drink at the grill later.

Jeremy- he's with his friends smoking and you walk up taking his blunt and taking a hit smirking at him. He looks at you his friends saying "ohh!" And he laughs a little. "Well hello" he says smiling as u hand it back. He thinks about how sexy you are and you guys sit and talk for hours drinking and smoking together

Tyler- He's the one at the party with the alcohol. Your the shy new girl at her first party in her new town. He sees you and walks over asking if you'd like a drink. You think why not? Let some stress off. "Sure" you say with a shy smile. He smiles and hands you a red solo cup. "Thanks" you say quietly. "No worries he says. Just trying to help you have fun. I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you"

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