Chapter 39

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Her Annoying Idol Best Friend: Continuation of Chapter 38

Another Collision With Him: Chapter 39


Her Annoying Idol Best Friend: Continuation of Chapter 38

After Misaki shouted, a knock was heard. She made sure it was locked so she replied.

"Come in."

Misaki and Asaka heard the person trying to open the door.

"Effin door.." They heard Kourin mumble.

"Wait for a while, Kourin." Misaki said and opened the door.

"Why did you lock it?" Kourin asked the both of them. Misaki plainly shrugged while Asaka giggled.

"You know, stop shrugging. Maybe if Kai asked you something you would shrug." Kourin said and Misaki glared at her.

"But she's right, Misa!" Asaka chimed in and Misaki glared at the both of them.

She pushed them outside.
"Get out of my room." She slammed the door and locked it.

Kourin and Asaka shared the same look and did a high five.


Another Collision With Him: Chapter 39

-Time Skip to Monday-

It was another day of practice. Kourin was fine with it, however Misaki felt awkward.

She wasn't planning on going but guess what, Kourin forced her and dragged her all the way to the Theatre.

Misaki just sighed. She has to do this.

Right... I need to take care of my studies... Oh wait, I never cared about my studies.

(A/n oh Misa.... XD)

--Time Skip--

Chemestry finally settled in. But as of now, Misaki wasn't that happy.

Why? Because of her partner.

Yup, you guessed it right.

Because of Kai Toshiki.

Why? At first, it was fine with her since she thought of him as a good friend.

But when Kai admitted his feelings for her, it turned out to be awkward.

Kai, on the other hand was so confused. Him, loving someone? Never in his life. But though, is this his second life since he fell for Misaki?

And, to be honest Misaki doesn't trust him.

But he was determined to make Misaki learn to trust once again.

He laid his hand on Misaki's shoulder, but before he could do it his hand was slapped away.

"Itai!" He said in pure shock, after all it didn't hurt. (Itai means ouch)

"Don't you ever dare do that, maybe I would slap your face next time." Misaki threatened.

"Haha, really funny." Kai said sarcastically.

But Misaki glared darker.

"Don't you dare think that I'm kidding, I might slap you right now."

"Deal with it." Kai smirked, and Misaki wasn't kidding. She pushed him and made him trip on a chair, causing Kai to fall on the ground.

"Told ya so." Misaki told him and sassily walked away.

"Woah!! Kai has fallen!" Said a way too familliar voice.

"Shut up Ren and help me up." Kai glared making Ren help him.

"Misa did that? Still stubborn as ever. Must've annoyed her?"

"And compared to you, I just annoyed her but you hurted her." Kai glared at the person in front of him (not Ren since he went to Asaka)

Damn, he's starting to get on my nerves. Expect the Unexpected.

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