To My Parents

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Thanks for raising me like you did, i know i disappoint you sometimes but i feel like over all im a good person, and who know knows what the hell i would be like if you hadn't been my parents. I know your not rich, but you've always found a way to give me everything I've needed and some. I have a lot to thank you for.

Mom- thanks for...
Being there for me, Sometimes understanding, Not being mad at me 24/7, Always providing for me, Sharing your clothes sometimes, Giving me your attitude (sass comes in handy sometimes) and last but not least Loving me even when I'm being a bitch.

Dad- thanks for...
Your humor, Putting up with my shit,
Being the most understanding parent, Not lecturing me everytime i buy makeup, Teaching me how to fight.

But... As everyone knows parents aren't always the greatest people. I still get in trouble and get yelled at and lose trust. My little sister lets call her Alice, Alice is a pain in my ass. Seriously I've gotten in trouble so many times because of her and her lies. Getting in trouble normally includes getting yelled at but sometimes when i get yelled at, i yell back, because even with my parents im not going to sit bak and let them talk shit to me. My parents complain sometimes about how i treat them (especially my mom) and i think to myself, I've literally seen so many of my friends yell at there parents and be rude and say things worse than the things i say to you and your bitching to me about my attitude? If only u could step into my shoes for a moment and go over to one of my friends houses and see how well i treat you compared to other people. So the other day you were snooping in my room and found a few things you didnt want to see. Well first of all, if you dont want to see things like that then dont fucking go in my room and then when i get home from work give me the bullshit awnser that you were "looking for conditioner." Really? Conditioner isn't usually under my pillow or in my purse bin in the closet.

Other than that you his are pretty great, and i still love you even though you cant mind your own damn business sometimes.

Thanks 😘

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