To Future Me

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Its time to turn a new page. Start a new chapter. Dwelling in the past is not a good thing. Think to the future, look at all the laughs and memories you'll have. This chapter was everything from happy all the way to damn well depressing. Sometimes you get down. Dont. You're loved and always will be.

I know someday you're going to wake up beside the love of your life and a beautiful child(ren). I know someday your going to wake up and realise that everything that happened was for a reason. The good. The bad. The ugly. The beautiful. The sad. The happy. Everything. All leads to the rest of your life.

No matter where life takes you, remember where you came from. A small town in Canada with a family of 4 and many many supporters surrounding you. Know that the struggles and confusion are all leading up to the life you have ahead of you. Heartbreak, scars, they all lead to the amazing women you'll grow into.

Never hold grudges. Never let the world get the best of you. Dont listen to what others say, unless they really matter to you. Trust your gut. Never stray from the path you want to be on. Focus. Focus. Focus. Live your dream. Choose happiness over money. Family is very important.

I know that you are set to do amazing things. Stay humble.

One last thing,
One test never killed anyone ☺️

You can do it,

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