To Matt

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I love you,

Lately I've been thinking. We've talked on the phone every night for like over a week straight. I've never really felt this way about anyone. Your so sweet and loving and amazing and i wish we could live in the same country or province or town would be better, i mean if you did live here it might have gone differently but i feel like either way we would find eachother and be together.

My dads really doubtful about long distance relationships. I know this wont last forever but i hope we get a good run and even when we do break up i want us to still be friends and instead of one person being selfish and just breaking up with the other person i want us to sort of agree and not have bad feelings towards eachother. But I'm probably dreaming, because that very rarely happens in real life.

Either way I'll love you no matter what. Your my happiness, my smile, my babe, my love, and my everything. I love hearin your laugh over the phone, even though its better in person. Thats one thing i remember about being with you for those 2 weeks, you laughed a lot, and your laughs the kind of laugh that makes other laugh with you because its so sweet and cute and contagious. I can hear you laughing now because as i write this im reading it out loud and your laughing uncontrollably, even though your risking waking up you mom and sister.

God i love you. I love everything you do. Your perfect to me. The only thing that makes me doubt us sometimes is the distances. The fact that i don know if your with another girl (which i doubt you would do that) or if you've ever cheated on anyone before or if you've even ever cheated on me. But thats doesn't matter because i love you, and when i hear your voice coming from my phone it makes my day 110% better and sometime i have to pinch myself to see if im dreaming because you seem like the perfect guy and i dont know if this is a dream. But still, nothing good lasts forever. Well, Matt, i hope we last long. I dont want to lose you.

Love you always,

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