Tables Turning

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Tiffany jogged down the hotel corridor, causing the silver room numbers to blur as she passed. She instantly turned her jog into a casual walk whenever she heard projections coming. They didn't look at her. Finally, she found the elevator. Inside was Saito. He looked much better, his shirt blood-free.

"Oh thank goodness," she breathed, "I thought I'd somehow ended up in the wrong hotel." She clutched the sharp stitch in her side.

He frowned, "Does that happen with you?"

"That's the least of it," she said.

The mirror caught her attention. She wore the same white work dress as she did in the plane, but instead of golden curls, her hair was poker straight and super shiny. It fell to her waist. She tossed it over her shoulders.

"How's your bullet wound?" she asked.

Saito rolled his shoulder, "Just a dull ache at the moment."

His face said otherwise. She knew how much it hurt.

The elevator doors slid open with a ping, revealing the lobby, where everything was made from sheets of glass.

Tiffany titled her head back to look how high the ceiling went. She couldn't even see it.

"We should split up," said Saito, "To find the others,"

"But I just found you," Tiffany chewed her tongue and flipped her hair again, "Fine, I'll go left."

She walked round the elevator and saw a sign for the bar. It was as good a place as any to look for Eames.

Sure enough, there he was. The bar was bright and spacious, much more modern than the places he had dragged her to over the last few years.

Tiffany perched herself on the stool next to him.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked, twirling her hair.

"Oh hey. I-" he smiled and raised his glass to her, "-am having a drink."

"Aren't we supposed to be working?"

He took a long draught and smacked his lips, "No, Dom, is supposed to be working."


"He said he wants to go with Mr Charles."

Tiffany slumped in her seat, "Oh."

"Yeah," agreed Eames.

The ground shook, rattling all the bottles behind the bar. No one took any notice.

"Turbulence on the plane?"

"No, it was closer. Yusuf's driving."

"Now I definitely need a drink," said Tiffany, picking up Eames' and taking a sip. She pulled a face as it burned down her throat, "How did he end up being the one to drive, anyway?"

Eames shrugged and snatched his drink back, sloshing it over his hand.

"And Mr Charles? I thought that one never worked? Telling the dreamer he is dreaming, pretending to be his security, but his actual security always know the truth."

"We all thought that. Dom included. But he is insane, so," Eames threw back his drink and drained it, "Come on, let's go."

They walked through the lobby; Saito was at the other end, coming towards them. He didn't see them, and when Browning appeared, he said, "Hey! You've changed,"

Eames waved madly, Saito saw him at last and his eyes widened, "Sorry," he said to Browning, "I mistook you for a friend,"

"Handsome looking fellow, I'm sure," said Browning.

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