Instant Coffee and Texas Holdem

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Chapter 2

"How is it you look exactly alike?!" Tamaki asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders standing up. Man, was this guy always this dramatic.

"I don't know. Genetics? But we aren't exactly alike," I said pointing to my eyes. "My eyes are green, snd Haruhi's are brown. And in case you haven't noticed Haruhi's hair is shorter than mine," I rolled my eyes stating the obvious. Seriously, people should still be able to tell us a part.

"There are also two other differences," Hikaru and Kaoru said together smirking. My arms instantly crossed in front of my chest in defense. My face was tainted a bit red not helping me, AT ALL!!!! Haruhi was even a bit irritated.

"THAT IS NOT MY FAULT!!!!!"  I yelled making the twins grin more. I didn't waste another minuute before stomping out. I could hear Haruhi following close behind me. What in the world was she thinking joining that club.

"How can stand being around those guys?" I asked still a bit irritated. I mean who wouldn't. Haruhi just shrugged.

"They're not that bad," she simply said. Always stating the most simple answer. Yep, that's my cuz. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her.

"Why are you even in that club in the first place?" I asked finally. It had been bothering me all day, but I could never get it out for some reason. She just looked up at the ceiling.

"It's... complicated," she got out. I raised my eyebrow. Is she kidding me? Complicated is like my second language. There is nothing about me that was simple. That was another difference between me and her.

She looked at me and sighed. That's when the whole story came out. My eyes went wide. My super responsible cousin had sure gotten herself into some trouble. I could relate. I mean I get in trouble all the time. I mean I've had to escape the cops at least four times....... Okay it's not exactly the same, but it is pretty close.

"If you need money, Cuz, I could loan it to you," I said. Haruhi blinked at me. "My mom doesn't have to know it will be between you, me, and her account password." I don't know why, but my mom never liked Haruhi's parents. Everytime I visited as a kid I was with my dad.

Haruhi took a moment before shaking her head. "No, Yumi. I have to earn this money." I frowned. I just couldn't let her do this on her own.

"At least let me help you earn it," I hoped to stop right there. There was no possible way I wanted to say what I was thinking. I couldn't believe I was even thinking it.

"And how will you do that?" and there it was. Why God?!! Why must you make me say it aloud?!

I took a deep breath before speaking, "I-I'll help out around the club." And with those words, I have ended my life.                                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Yumi? I didn't know you worked for the Host Club," a customer said from her comfortable chair. Unlike me, who has to stay on my feet. It was already the second day of school, and I was still holding onto my version of the school uniform. 

I looked over at the girl. The yellow uniform practically blinding me. "Yeah, I'm sort of like an assistant. I also run most of the errands." The girl looked at me confused.

"Assistant? I thought it was Dog?" A vein popped on my forhead. Who did this girl think she was?

"Usually, but after some... negotiating they decided to give it the name assistant instead," I said smirking. Yeah, a good old negotiation with the host club and Mr. bat. Normally Mr. bat wouldn't make an appearance, but I was pretty pissed already. The last thing I needed was a group of spoiled guys calling me their dog. Oh no no no. Yumi doesn't appreciate that.

"Hey Yumi, can you come over here," Hikaru called. I walked over to where the twins were situated with some of the girls. "We're out of instant coffee. Can you go out and get us some more?"

I couldn't help but scrunch up my nose. "You guys actually drink that stuff?" I know the stuff was pretty cheap, but it usually tasted horrible. Hikaru nodded.

"Yep, it's the drink of the Host Club, so go and get it already," he said. I rolled my eyes and was already out the door.

 By the time I came back, the girls were all gone. The hosts were mainly sitting around a table in the center of the room. I walked up and pulled the box of coffee out of the bag and set it on the table.

"There's your coffee," I said making a face. Don't get me wrong, I love coffee. Just not that instant stuff. They didn't really seem to notice me, so I took it as my time to leave.

I turned to go out the door but stopped at something pulling on my skirt. I smiled down at Honey-sempi looking up at me. If you ask me if there was one of the hosts that didn't irritate me, it was Honey.

"Yu-chan~ I'm bored," he said. I smiled and squat down to his eye level.

"In that case do you wanna play a game?" I asked. Honey-sempi smiled and nodded his head. I stood back up and looked at the other hosts at the table. "Do any of you guys want to play too?" I called over.

I set up another table with a total of five chairs. I would have gotten chairs for Haruhi, Mori, and Kyoya, too, but they said they didn't want to play. That just left me, Honey, the twins, and Tamaki. I pulled out a bag of m&m's I had also bought at the store and open it. I gave everyone their own portion and explained that they weren't for eating much to Honey's dismay. I next pulled out a deck of cards and started shuffling. I looked up as I passed out some of the cards.

"Alright guys, this is a classic game called Texas Holdem."

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