Yumi Emerudo

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Chapter 1

Alright, I know that coming from a wealthy family means you have to keep up the family image, but I can't really seem to do that.

The police cars pulled up to the curb. Their red and blue lights flashing making anyone blind. Well those that weren't hiding in a bush. My back was starting to ache from being hunched over. Twigs and pine needles kept sticking into my hands and knees.

All I wanted was earn just a bit of my own spending money. Sure I could just ask my parents for some, but that takes away some of the fun.

The police men kept walking in and out of the small building. They would come out with another person or some of the money. Watching it being carried away made me glad I took what I could before I had to leave. The bills matching my green eyes made it even more desirable.

Most of the men had there backs to me, so I took that as my advantage. I crept away slowly. I checked behind me to make sure I was still unseen. My feet started to gain speed, and I took off. I kept gaining speed praying that they didn't see me.

The plain houses started disappearing behind me. More extravagant buildings started coming into view. I darted to the one with the bronze gate. I ignored the intercom in the front and started climbing. I landed safely on the other side and took off to the back.

Ms. Merriweather raised her eyebrow at me coming through the kitchen entrance. I put my finger to my mouth. I exited the kitchen and made my way to the stairs.

"Yumi!" I stopped in my tracks. My mother was standing at the bottom of the stairs. I brushed off any dirt remaining on clothes before turning around. Her matching green eyes were staring at me. "Did you make sure all of your stuff was packed.

"Yes, mother," I said. She was silent for a few minutes. She then nodded her head and left me alone on the stairs. That was all I would usually hear from hear.

I ran into my room landing softly on my bed. I hugged the large pillow refusing to look at my now empty room. All of my luggage was piled next to the door waiting to be picked up. I leaned back on the bedpost. A small crinkling sound came from underneath me.

I shifted over pulling a small envelope from under me. A smile came to my face as I recognized my father's name. I opened the envelope pulling out the letter along with something else. It fell out with a small jingle and landed on the bed sheet. I ignored it and focused on the letter.

Dear Yumi,

I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I know it may feel strange, but you really will love Japan. In truth I think your mother is more reluctant about leaving than you are. But that just shows how strong you are. I know it's been a long time since you last visited, but I have some good news. Your cousin is still over here, and I just found out that you two will be attending the same school together. There is something else, I sent you a little present. I hope you like it.

Love, Papa

I laid the letter down. I picked up what fell out. The small necklace dangled in my hands. Most necklaces have hearts, or stars, or crowns, but not this one. No instead it had the queen of hearts playing card. The Red Queen. How fitting. I pulled my long hair back and hooked the necklace on. I curled up and went to sleep. Japan was waiting for me tomorrow whether I liked it or not.


Everything looked exactly like the last time I was in Japan. My face was pressed against the limo's window. My mother sat quietly staring at me.

"Yumi!! back away from the window." She commanded. I sighed.

"Yes, Mam."

The house was bigger than our old one. But that was to be expected. My mother sighed at the sight of it. She grew up back in America, but technically was from Japan.

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