Chapter 14

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Somewhere along the way I had fallen asleep on Scott's shoulder. I woke up to the sound of creaking noises.

I opened my groggy eyes and was startled by how close my head was to the ground.

I lifted my head and saw the familiar second floor hallway of the pack house, and then watched the familiar second floor hallway disappear as Scott walked up the staircase to the third floor.

I suddenly wondered if my mom noticed I was gone.

Scott opened the door to his room, carried me inside, and then locked the door.

He set me on my feet and I fell over from the crazy rush of blood leaving my head to my body. Luckily, Scott caught me.

I leaned my head against his arm and he rested his head on mine.

"Why didn't you tell me your name?" He muttered. My heart broke in half from the sad tone in his voice.

I racked my brain for an answer that would make him feel better, but I couldn't find an excuse good enough.

"Well, I mean, we didn't have time because of everything that happened, you know?" He looked into my eyes and I looked pleadingly into his, pleading him to not feel bad.

After a couple moments he shrugged and kissed the top of my head. I sighed in relief.

"Bed?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"You need to shower and get cleaned up," he ordered. Too bad, I was getting used to my new life of dirt and filth.

"Alright, but my shower's downstairs and it takes awhile to warm up, and I don't know if you want to wait that long-"

"Yeah right," he chuckled. I stared at him confused, until he grabbed me and hauled me off to his bathroom.

"Scott I don't have any of my shampoos or anything in your bathroom-"

"Yes you do," he said smugly.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he set me on the bathroom floor.

"You moved my stuff?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

He turned around and started the shower. He glanced at me over his shoulder and threw me a confident smirk. "Yup," he said, popping the 'p'.

I was about to go off on him when he turned to me and swiftly took my top off.

"What are you doing?!" I screeched as my hands frantically tried to cover my breasts and stomach.

"Oh relax, I've seen everything before." He pulled my shorts and panties down and a gah! noise escaped from me.

"You don't remember? It was the first time you ran from me, bad girl, and don't think you're getting away unpunished for that," he threatened.

While I stood there still trying to cover myself, he pulled me close to him and took off my bra. Once it was off he threw it aside and stepped away from me, taking in my body while I was still trying to cover it. He rolled his eyes at me and then stripped his clothes off.

"Scott what-"

"We're showering together," he said, simply. His tone of voice had a 'and that's that' quality, so I knew it was useless to argue.

When he was fully naked, he grabbed me and carried me into the shower.

The warm water hit me and I felt more relaxed about being naked in front of Scott.

He faced me towards the water and hugged me from behind, letting the water wash away all the dirt and nastiness from my body.

"You have a very beautiful body," he whispered in my ear. I narrowed my eyes and grumbled in embarrassment. He kissed my neck and let his tongue seductively drag along it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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