Chap 4: high school morning routine

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I woke up at 7:00 am. The bright morning light blinded me. I couldn't bare the morning sunlight shining in my eyes. I wasn't much of a morning person at all. I stretched my arms up, trying to touch my ceiling. It was unreachable. I sat up in bed. And got up, I headed towards the stairs and slouched down each step very carefully.In the morning I would usually fall down the stairs, but this morning a miracle happened. I made it all the way down the stairs without tripping.
The kitchen was bright as usual, too bright. I opened a cupboard, and pulled out some cereals,bowl and a spoon.
Next I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some fresh milk. Finally I sat down to pour the cereals then the milk and start eating. I crunched my cereals peacefully. But then as I caught glimpse of the time, I started to take bigger spoonfuls and speeded up.
I was going to be late! I thought. So I left everything where it was and skipped upstairs. Running back into my room and pulled out of my wardrobe the first thing I saw: Black jeans; a tartan shirt; boots and ankle socks with tiny teddy bears on them.
I put them all on. Ran in the bathroom and picked up my tooth brush and toothpaste. I squirted some toothpaste onto my toothbrush and shoved it in my mouth. Meanwhile I washed my face, with cold water to wake me up.
I moved my toothbrush up and down in my mouth. I gave it a quick wash and dropped it beside the sink. I re-entered my room to get my purse,phone and keys.
After I did that I tumbled downstairs. I knew it was going to happen at some point. Picked up my coat and threw myself out the house, closed my door and walked to the car.
I entered it. And quickly switched it on. I gave a quick glance at my watch. I was going to arrive just in time. I started up the engine and got going.

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