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-Aly's POV-

I was led into a room in the District Building. I sit myself down on a chair and Stacia walks through the door, crying. I walk over to her and kneels down in front of her.

I reassure her, "Stacia you'll be fine, Grey will feed you. Mom will protect you."

Stacia nods, "O-ok." Stacia hands me her necklace with a silver heart on it.

A Peace Keeper walks through the door, "Time's up!"

Stacia tells me, "Win Aly. Win for me."

I nod, "I will. I will try to come home."

I tell her softly, "Remember that I love you."

"I love you too, sissy." She says before walking out.

My mom walks through the door, "Why did you volunteer?"

"Because the night before she said she was scared. I wanted her to have a great childhood." I tell my mom.

"Don't zone out from her. Ok. She needs you now." I tell her.

She nods at me, "I will try my hardest."

"Mom, Grey with be there to help you." I say.

The Peace Keeper yells, "Time's up!"

Mom walks out the door and Grey walks through.

"Grey you have to protect them." I tell Grey.

"I promise. I will." My 20 year old brother promises.

*On The Train.*

Cato and I walk onto the train. I glance at Cato and he looks like he's gonna cry.

I turn to him and says, "Cato what's the matter?"

"Nothing." He says.

I don't believe him. He has a tell. He doesn't know that he twitches his nose when he lies. I drop the subject by nodding at him.

Brutus and Enobaria walk through the other door. They congratulate us.

Enobaria shows me my room and tells me, "Get changed out of your Reaping clothes."

I nod, "Ok." Before she leaves I tell her, "Enoboria, I am very skilled with knives." I close the door and walk over to the dresser. I pick out a silky blue tank and black pants. I quickly get dressed. I open the door to see Cato standing there.

He asks me, "Do wanna watch the other Reapings?"

I tell him, "Do I have a choice?"

He chuckles, "Nope."

I say, "Okay." I sit on the couch and Enobaria puts in District 1's Reaping. I watch as a tall girl with blonde hair walks onto the District Building stage. I see a slim boy named Marvel walks and stands next to the girl. I found out her name is Glimmer. Enobaria puts in District 3's Reaping video in. A girl named Amber Scott gets reaped and a boy named Ian. I zone out for the rest until District 11. A small girl, at least 12, walks up on the stage and a guy built like a building. I make a mental note to keep an eye out for him. I learned their names are Rue and Thresh. We watch District 12's video. Effie calls out a girl named Primrose Everdeen. She walks out of line and walks up to the District Building. A brunette haired girl walks out of her line and volunteers. I gasp along with the crowd of District 12. I'm completely shocked. Effie calls out a boy named Peeta Mellark. The blonde boy walks up to the District Building steps and stands next to Effie.

I stand up and stretches, "I'm going to my room."

Cato says, "I'll come with you."

We walk to my room and sit on the bed.

Cato tells me, "Did you know Grey visited me?"

I shake my head, "Really? What did he say?"

Cato says, "He told me to stay with you at all times in the arena and to protect you from anything."

I stare at him in shock, "Really? My brother said that?"

He nods, "Yep."

Suddenly, the train stops and I run out of my room to see that we are in the Capitol.

I yell to Cato, "Cato, get your butt out here."

Cato comes running out of my room, "What Aly?"

I point out the window, "Look."

He looks out the window and his jaw drops slightly, "Wow."

The train pulls up into the station and blocks our view.

*At The Remake Center*

I meet my prep team. Irene, a woman with bright purple hair and pale yellow skin. She has a tall figure. Quinn, a guy with electric green hair and is about 6" tall. Ariana, a skinny girl with red/pink curly locks.

I say, "Hi I'm Aly."

They smile at me, "We know who you are." They take a quick look at me and see if the need to do any major fixes. Their smiles drop into a frown.

Ariana says, "Awh, she is already clean and we don't need to wax her."

Quinn tells me, "Well let's hand her over to Lacey."

Quinn hands me a robe and I strip and put it on. I nod. I think Lacey is my stylist. They guide me to a room and I see a woman at least 22 sitting in a chair. I clear my throat to get her attention. She stands up to greet me. She has blue eyeliner on and has straight red hair.

Lacey says with a soft voice, "Hi Aly. I'm Lacey, your stylist."

I smile at her, "Hi."

Lacey tells me to take off my robe and she circles around me taking in every detail about me.

She asks, "Who did your hair?"

I tell her, "I did."

She says, "It's very good."

I thank her and she tells me to put my robe back on. She sits down on a couch in the room. She tells me to sit down. I sit across from her.

She tells me, "Well today is the opening ceremony."

I ask her what my costume will look like since District 2 is masonry.

She walks over to a table with something covered in black. She unzips it and I see a gold armor.


Chapter 3 is finished. I will be updating every Thursday and Friday.

3 votes for the next chapter.

-Xx Gabby

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