Chapter One - King's Cross Train Station

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Chapter One – King's Cross Train Station

"C'mon guys, we're going to be laaate! Hurry up!" cried a small blonde girl. Her long, curly blonde hair was tied up into two high pigtails by thick black ribbons. A simple white button up and short pink-and-black plaid skirt adorned her petit body. Her ocean blue eyes were wide and pleading as she attempted to drag a much taller girl along with her.

The girl she was dragging merely laughed, her yellow eyes dancing. This girl was at least two heads taller than the blonde. She was beautiful, with brown skin and long black hair that reached well below her shoulder blades even in its high ponytail. Shorter pieces and bangs fell from the confines of the ponytail to frame her face beautifully. Her long, thin body was covered by a white tank top, a gold vest, and jeans. "Faye, relax! We're fifteen minutes early!"

"Yes, but I want to find my friends before the train leaves so hurry UP!" The blonde repeated, getting huffy.

Watching this whole thing with amusement were three other children – two boys and one girl.

The girl was shorter than the brunet but taller than the blonde. Light brown eyes silently laughed at the two girls as she tried to keep her laughter from becoming audible. Slightly layered reddish-brown hair hung to an inch past her shoulders and her bangs were swept to the right side of her face, the edges of her hair dyed a bright fire truck red. Her skin was tanned from the sun. The girl was fit, sporty looking. Her outfit – bright orange slacks, a white tank top, and an unzipped brown sweatshirt – went nicely with her complexion.

Next to her was a tall boy only a few inches shorter than the brunet girl. He was pale like the boy behind him but, unlike the other, he was defiantly male. His hair – the majority of which was inky black, his bangs pure white – was in a state of disarray, making him look dark and mysterious, his pale grey eyes and pale skin only adding to that effect. He wore a simple black tee-shirt, unzipped grey sweatshirt, and jeans. He regarded the two adolescent females with growing amusement as they continued to banter, not realizing that they were wasting time by just standing there.

Just behind them was a boy only slightly shorter than the redhead. He was small in height and body with pale skin, making him look rather fragile and feminine, almost like a porcelain doll. Although, if one were to remove his clothing they would find a fairly toned body. As it was, said body was hidden by black sweatpants, a blue tank top, and an unzipped black zip-up hoodie with two white wings stitched onto the back. A chain made of a silver-colored metal hung around his neck, dipping under his tank top, which hid the amulet that was attached to the chain. His silver hair was about five or six inches long, still short but getting long, and it was perpetually untidy. He wasn't aware that his hair's messiness only made him look more adorable. Royal blue eyes framed by long lashes watched the two girls in front of him as his plump, red lips gave a small smile that held a mixture of affection and amusement, not quite revealing his rows of white teeth.

After a while, the group of five got moving again.

"Where is it we're going, exactly?" the silver haired boy asked the redhead quietly.

"Platform 9 3/4," the girl answered as she continued to walk lazily, her hands folded behind her head.

The blue-eyed boy frowned. "Um, Ada? Are you sure that's right? I've never heard of a platform 9 3/4."

The redhead didn't bother checking the ticket. "Yep. Here we are."

The boy looked up to see they were standing in front of the brick divider separating platforms 9 and 10. He frowned.

"Watch and learn, Echo," Ada told the boy, clapping him on the shoulder. With that, she ran at the bricks head on and just as Echo was about yell for her to stop –

She disappeared. Echo blinked. But still, she wasn't there. She had disappeared into the bricks.

The dark-skinned girl stayed behind after the black haired boy and Faye had both gone through. "Don't worry, Echo. It's just a spell. Helps to keep the Muggles from wandering in where they don't belong. Most of 'em think twice before running into a brick wall, right?" The girl winked.

Echo nodded, taking in the information. He was less nervous about it now that he knew what it was. But still…

"Hey," the girl's hand on his shoulder made him look up into her reassuring yellow eyes. "Relax. Breathe. It's not going to hurt, I promise."

The boy blushed, realizing he was being a nuisance and nodded. "Thanks, Sasha," he thanked her.

He lined himself up with the wall. Not allowing himself to hesitate any longer, he ran straight forward. Despite what Sasha had said, he still flinched a bit when he knew he was about to hit brick.

But no impact came.

And when Echo opened his eyes again, it was to a large, smoky platform filled with excited students, anxious parents, and a large red steam engine with the words HOGWARTS EXPRESS written in bold capital letters on the side.

Sasha arrived not a moment after he had and they met up with the other three from their group.

"Damn! Thought we'd finally lost you guys," Sasha said with a grin.

Ada bumped her with her shoulder. "Ha! No way!" Suddenly, she became serious. "After all, it is my sworn duty to annoy all of you until the day you die."

Faye's brows raised. "And what if you die before us?"

The redhead broke her façade to grin at the small girl. "Then I'll come back as a ghost and annoy you even more than I do now!"

"Annoy us even more?" The black haired boy asked. Not entirely joking, the boy continued, "I doubt that's possible."

Faye and Sasha laughed, the boy grinned, and Echo gave a small smile, while Ada pouted.

Then Faye caught sight of the clock. "Oh no! The train's leaving any minute!"

At her declaration, the five children raced onto the train with only moments to spare.

Faye grabbed Ada's hand. "We're going to go find our friends," she informed the others happily before racing off with Ada. "See you later!" she called.

Sasha shook her head fondly. "I swear, that girl has more energy than an ADHD five year old on Red Bull." She turned to the boy next to her. "So, what do you say, Echo? Sit with us and our friends or go find somewhere else to sit?"

Echo, not wanting to bother the elder two, said, "I think I'll find my own seat."

The brunet shrugged. "Okay. But come and find me if you have trouble finding a place to sit."

"Yes, Ma'am."

The brunet gave him a look.

"Sorry. What I meant was 'Yes, Sasha'."

Nodding, Sasha turned and walked away, the other boy following. Sighing, Echo left in the opposite direction – the direction that left him with more train to cover.

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