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This is tardisaddiction! I haven't read any of her stories (but I'm really sure they're awesome) but I've spoken to her a couple times and she seems really cool! PLUS, SHE LOVES SHERLOCK. SO THAT MAKES HER SUPERFABOULOUSLYAMAZING. 

o1. What is your username and how did you come up with it?

Mah username is tardisaddiction and I came up with it at random. I just love Doctor Who so I figured, hey. Why not?

o2. When and how did you find Wattpad?

I was looking for some fanictions and I found a link to here. I’ve been hooked ever since.

o3. What is your favourite thing about this site?

My favorite thing is the freedom for writing. And the whole concept of the site. I love that people have the opportunity to write freely.

o4. How many books are you currently writing?

Two. A Sherlock fanfic and a Doctor Who short story. I am also doing a contest, but not on here.

o5. Have you ever finished a book and how did that feel?

No, I have too many ideas and then I go onto that one. My main goal is to finish my Sherlock book, though.

o6. What is currently your most important project? How did you come up with this idea and what do you like about writing it?

The book I am writing for the contest. I have to write 50,000 words by the end of July. I came up with the idea with a sentence. I started with one and just went off with it.

o7. Who are your favourite real-life authors?

C.S Lewis, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frank Peretti, and if Steven Moffat counts, him.

o8. What are you favourite published books?

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher. It was my favorite book when I was younger, and it is still high on my list.

o9. Who are you favourite Wattpad authors?

mysuperwholock, wholockavenger, captainjackattack. There are many more (TrafficCop included) but I wanted this to be brief.

(TC: :O)

1o. What are your favourite Wattpad books?

Slender by jynxii, Her Last Breath by adorableee (unfortunately no longer available), Bedtime by MichaelWhitehouse6, Inner Demons by CaptainJackAttack, and finally The Science of Deduction does not extend to relationships by beccaxmxoxo.

11. Who is your favourite book character and why?

I quite like Doctor Watson in the original Sherlock Holmes book.

12. Who is your favourite character to write about and why?

The Doctor, because he is funny and unpredictable. You can do anything with him.

13. What is your favourite genre to read and write?

Fiction. Without a doubt.

14. What/Who is your inspiration?

My favorite books.

15. How long have you been writing for?

Two years give or take.

16. Do you think you will stop writing?

When I run out of ideas. (When I die)

M O R E Q U E S T I O N S;

What is your biggest pet peeve?

My biggest pet peeve is stupid people.

What would be your theme song?

My theme song would be ‘Words Win Wars’ by Murray Gold. Or ‘I Am the Doctor’. Both are good.

If you could live in another time other than the present, which time period would it be?

I would live in the time when our country is fixed. Or the time the Doctor finally shows up for me.

What three words would best describe you?

Three words that describe me? Dedicated, whether it be to a good thing or bad. (obsessed works too) Responsible, and… Loyal.

What do you like to do other than writing/reading?

I play Minecraft and Xbox. That’s pretty much it other than TV and things that require me to live.

S P E C I A L I Z E D Q U E S T I O N ;

If you were forced to spend a day with either of these people, which one would it be and why? What would you guys do during the day? 

Harry Styles or Justin Bieber.

Ugh!! Ew!! Dx Harry Styles I guess. He's British, right? He'd be the easiest to stand. JB is just... should be described with words I am not allowed to say. I hate him. During the day... With curly-haired weirdo... Probably just hang out, have him take me expensive places and buy me things to pay me back for having to hang out with him =P

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TC: Thank you, tardisaddiction for that awesome interview! Don't you think that was awesome?! Don't you think tardisaddiction is awesome? Yeah? Good. 

To read tardisaddiction's stories click on the page/icon in the dedication. 

The video/song on the side is one of tardisaddiction's theme songs. (;

And the picture is what a tardis is (for those of you who don't know).

Aurevior, mon ami! :D

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