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A/N: It will mostly be in Percy's and Harry's point of view.


So Annabeth and I (yes i can use good grammar) are going to teach at a wizard school in some part of the UK. Great. Really genious, sending me to teach. Especially since we're only almost two years older then the oldest students. Truly fan-fudgen-tastic. Anyways, Hecate Blessed us with the ability to do their kind of magic and had no idea how much knowledge we would need so she gave us ALL the information there was. The most knowledgeable witch or wizard probably wouldn't know HALF of what we know. We were riding Blackjack and his mate, that he had met over the last year, Clarity. She had a pure, crystal white coat and a flowing mane and tail that some Aphrodite girls had used to practice making fishtail braids. As we rode I twisted my ring nervously. I mean, yes we have alot of knowledge about this world, yet I still feel as if we have no clue about what we're walking into. Annabeth reached over to cover my hand with her own.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine. We'll teach then when we're done we can go to college, buy a house, start a family. Remember, as long as we're together." she smiled and my heart lifted. As usual she's right. We can do this. Together. That is, after all, what marriage is for. To have and to hold till death do us part and all that. When we got in sight of the castle I heard my Wise Girl's sharp intake of breath and couldn't help but smile. I could see her beautiful stormy grey eyes moving, calculating every archway and staircase. I could hear hundreds of kids talking in what I presume is the legendary "Great Hall". I used the water particles in the air to open the two giant oak doors. Annabeth and I swooped in, did a few loops in the air on Clarity and Blackjack before lightly touching down onto the floor. I slid off of Blackjack's back before taking Annabeth's hand to help her off of Clarity. By now, everyone, even the teachers, were staring at us. Annabeth and I held hands as we walk up to what I assume is the staff table. By now we were hearing the occasional gasps as people started noticing either our muscles or our wedding rings, I mean, really? Yeah, we got married at 19, so what, get over it, move on. We walked up to the person in the middle and as I looked into bright blue eyes and called up a piece of information that Hecate gifted us with.

"Hey, sorry for asking but... aren't you supposed to be dead?"


When we got to hogwarts we found the ghosts of people who died during the war, and also: James and Lily Potter, Sirius, Mad-eye, Cedric, and others. Then this exchange student from America who was lithe and looked a little bit goth though his skin was a light olive colour started walking around with another boy who was practically the goth boy's opposite and started putting his hand ON the shoulder of random ghosts and murmuring something under his breath and suddenly, Lavender Brown was no longer a ghost. She gasped and thanked the boy before running strait at her best friend Pavarti. They collapsed to their knees and cried tears of happiness. This kept happening all over the place. Fred, in the flesh, ran up to us and crushed us in a hug before apparating away, probably to see George. Colin Creevy ran and hugged his little brother. When everyone went into the great hall they saw Dunbledore at his usual podium.

I have to admit that when he was making his speech I wasn't paying attention, I was just so happy that he and a bunch of other people who had died for me were alive. I did however hear the last few words before he was cut off by the doors to the great hall opening.

"This year there will be two new teachers who come all the way from America-"
The doors burst open and two people, a girl and a boy, flew in. Not on brooms though, they were on flying horses. One horse was pitch black and the other was a bright silvery white. They did a few loops in the air before setting down so quietly that they didn't even make a sound. A boy who looked around nineteen years old with windswept black hair, sea-green eyes, a tan, and muscles that you could see through his shirt slid off the black horse and went to help the girl down. She smiled down at him. She had blond curly hair, intelligent stormy grey eyes, a California tan, and you could also tell that she was strong. They started walking hand in hand to the staff table and both Ginny and Hermione gasped.

"What?" I whispered.

"Don't you see Harry? They're wearing wedding rings!" Ginny whispered back.

WHAT!?! I looked and sure enough they each had a simple gold band on the ring finger of their left hand. Merlin's beard!!! They're only 19! Aren't they a bit young to be married. Despite that fact, a bunch of girls were sighing longingly at the guy while guys were checking out the girl but they both ignored them, just walking forward with their heads held high and proud. When they got to the front, the boy said "Hey, sorry for asking but... aren't you supposed to be dead" The girl went to punch him in the arm but he dodged. Dumbledore just chuckled.

"Yes but that young fellow" he indicated the goth who'd been sorted with his sunny friend and a goth girl with some sort of tiara into Gryffindor "helped me."

I saw a look of recognition in their eyes. They nodded and stood to the side of Dumbledore as he continued the rest of his speech.

"Allow me to introduce Perseus-"

"It's just Percy if you don't mind."

"Percy and Annabeth Jackson though so that you don't get too confused, Mrs. Jackson will be called Professor Chase. Oh and Professor Slughorn resigned in favour of Professor Snape who is in fact alive. Please refrain from wandering around the corridors at night especially the fifth floor corridor where the teacher's new quarters are. Our new teachers do like their privacy and quiet since last year because they were fighting for us on the American side of things. Anyways, tuck in!"

All the food appeared as the sorting hat was taken away. When it passed the new teachers it cringed away from them, they both paled slightly, and a grey streak appeared in their hair. They both sat down, Professor Jackson took out a wand and for some reason turned it blue before burning a portion of his food, Professor Chase did the same (minus turning it blue). I was to far to see the details but I could see that their wands weren't the typical plain wood wand. The exchange students had strange wands as well. Earlier I asked them about it. The goth girl, Thalia, had pine wood, 11 inches, core of pure electricity, moonlace, and moonlight. The slightly goth boy, Nico Di Angelo, had Thestral bone, 10 inches, core of shadows, darkness, and sunlight. The sunny guy, Will Solace, had bamboo, 10 1/2 inches, core of sunlight, shadows, and "healing flames". Don't ask me, I don't know what "healing flames" are either. Apparently their parents made each wand specifically for them but a girl helped Thalia's father with hers, Will's father helped Nico's father with Nico's, and Nico's dad helped Will's dad with Will's.

Americans are weird.

A/N: words: 1302

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