Another Story

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Oh how he will pay! He. Will. Pay.

Lucas stole my sword. I've had that sword since the day we were born. I've been modifying that sword with Ezmeralda's help as we got older. It was now still a wooden sword though I'd sharpened and hardened it so it was as good as an iron blade. I then had it plated in celestial bronze. I had τσουνάμι engraved on the bronze. My evil brother had the audacity to steal it!

I was yelling and throwing knives at Lucas in the hallway, trying really hard to not destroy the plumbing for the thousandth time in the past six months. I barely registered my twelve year old brother Ethan answering the door to the guests. I didn't care. I was to mad. I just had to hope that Ethan would keep them in the living room.

I threw another knife at him only to be picked up and thrown over my father's shoulder. So, naturally, I started screaming. After all, Luke is the one who stole my sword. I mean, sure we burned his copy of one of his favourite books but he had shrunk my favourite bathing suit! Of course that was because I stole his power of speech for two weeks but that was for hiding my knife collection around the house. Honestly, the list could go on and on.

Dad took me to the living room and I started complaining. I knew I wouldn't win this argument but at least I could try. When I finally gave up, I turned my attention to our guests. There were four adults and five children. Two of the adults, who looked like brother and sister, had bright orange hair though the guy had blue eyes where the girl had warm brown eyes. The red headed woman's husband had messy black hair, emerald green eyes, and a lightning scar on his forehead. The wife of the red head guy had bushy brown hair and brown eyes.

Of the five children three have red hair. The two older ones were only ten years old and the boy looked cocky and obnoxious while the girl looked more reserved and intelligent. Then there was a boy who looked to be the middle of the five at nine years old with dark hair. Then last but not least, the eight year olds. Once again, one girl, one boy. They both had orange hair though the girl looked more delicate.

When I tuned back in it was just in time for me to hear him say that Luke and I would be attempting to teach these kids to sword fight.


These kids come from a world where your only line of defense is a stick. They grow up learning to solely rely on your wand and are therefore most likely out of shape and they definitely don't have demigod reflexes. See, at least my siblings and I got good reflexes from our parents. In their society, they learn to dodge and shout in Latin while pointing a stick.


I looked at my twin just to make sure we were on the same page. Sadly, we were. We nodded at gestured for the kids to follow us. We passed mom on the way out and that's when I noticed Ethan following us. It gave me an idea.

"Hey, Ethe! Go get Lena and Thals please!"

"Ok!" he said as he headed toward the stairs.

I turned to the kids.

"So, I don't want to keep thinking of each of you as 'ten year old guy' and 'ten year old girl' etc. It would be really helpful if I knew your names."

The 10 year old guy gave me a cocky, lopsided smile, raising an eyebrow and said

"My name is James. James Potter."

I smirked.

"I know that look and first of all, I'm six years older than you. Second of all, your name may be James but James, James Potter does not have the same effect as James Bond."

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