DADA: Percy Jackson Style!

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MWAHAHAHAHA!!! This is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!


When we walked into Professor Jackson's class, Hermione gasped in horror. It was her worst nightmare. There were no desks, no books, and worst of all...















Yes. I could not be happier.

Hermione was starting to hyperventilate.

"No books! No parchment! No quills! How will we do essays?!? How will we pass our NEWTs!?!"

I heard a lighthearted laugh from the back of the class.

"Wise Girl, you have a "mini-me" in my class" Professor Jackson said. Professor Chase punched him in the gut and he doubled over in pain though when he straightened it was only mock pain in his eyes.

"Ouch Annie, how coupe you?" he said jokingly and dodged the next punch.

"Professor Jackson-" Hermione began before being cut off.

"Woah! None of that. Just call me Percy."

Hermione looked uncertain but said "Alright, Percy, where are the desks?"

"This is not a class for sitting at desks. I believe that you should learn actively. I know that I learn best when it's a hands on sort of thing. Next question."

"Why did you two get married at such a young age?" asked a Hufflepuff girl.

"That has absolutely nothing to do with this class, moving on."

"Why is your wife here?" This time it was a Ravenclaw boy.

"Ah, yes! She has come to help me with a demonstration. See, this year, since you just went to war, you probably don't need any more lessons on these kinds of spells but how many of you have been stuck in a situation where you need help because a) you can't reach your wand or b) because your wand has been taken by an enemy?"

Almost every student raised their hand.

"Exactly. So this year I will be teaching you hand to hand combat and how to wield various different types of weapons. You never know when you may need it. Anyways, we will be demonstrating what combat with blades looks like. My weapon of choice is a sword called riptide."

He took out a pen and I was about to laugh then he uncapped it and it turned into a three foot long bronze sword.

"Annabeth's weapon of choice, her dagger."

Professor Chase pulled a bronze dagger seemingly out of thin air. They got into their stances, nodded to each other, and started fighting.

They fought like demons. They were a blur. It was obvious that they practiced with each other all the time. Eventually, Percy won and all you could hear were slow claps from the back. The four exchange students were leaning against a wall at the back. One of the girls who looked mean despite being in Hufflepuff spoke up.

"Way to go Prissy, you took up half of our training time already with your little battle."

"Watch it Clarisse, I could give you detention." Percy replied.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, wouldn't I?"

He then proceeded to split us into two lines so that we could find a blade.

"It has to be perfectly balanced for you, don't pick a sword because it looks better than a dagger if a sword is to heavy for you! Don't worry if you don't find a sword today, it took me a month to find the right sword for me!"

I somehow got Godric Gryffindor's sword. Ron got a broad sword, Hermione got a dagger, and Ginny got a rapier (A/N: If you don't know what a rapier is look it up. If you don't know how awesome it is, read at least the first four books in a series by Raymond E. Feist: Magician: Apprentice
Magician: Master
A Darkness at Sethanon
Sorry, on with the story)
Everyone found their weapons so Percy started with the basics. The dagger should be used by people who are quick and clever. Also, apparently Percy is the most skilled swordsman in three hundred years.

So far, I enjoy Percy's class the best. Our only homework is to do fifty jumping jacks. How hard could it be. As we walked out, the exchange students were walking past us, all excited. When we asked them why they said that Percy was letting them do fifty pushups instead. Letting them! Who wants to do pushups!?!





I collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion. I looked over to see the exchange students on the floor doing pushups. They had an iPad that their friend made to work around magic. On the screen was Clarisse.

"Let's see who can do the most pushups." said Thalia.

Will looked up and said "Fine but you can't compete, otherwise it wouldn't be fair."

So they began. First Will fell at 698 pushups so it was between Nico and Clarisse. They got all the way to 3985 and they both fell at the same time. They must have recorded it because they skyped Annabeth to find out the winner. When she appeared on screen, Percy was there to, doing pushups. He had no shirt on so we could plainly see his defined abs and very muscular arms along with hundreds of scars covering his torso, and arms. Nico and Clarisse groaned.

"Annabeth, what is Percy doing?" Will asked.

Annabeth looked bored as she answered "I beat his record of 4001 pushups by reaching 4002 pushups so he decided to set a new one."

The four winced. "How many is Prissy at?" Clarisse asked with a defeated look.

"8975 and he isn't even sweating yet."

"Well, there goes the world's hope of ever doing more pushups in a row than Percy." Thalia said and turned off the screen in defeat.

Merlin's Beard! How on earth can he do that?! We collapsed after fifty jumping jacks! These people are insanely fit. I hope I'm like that by the end of this year.


At supper everything was normal, except for when the Jackson's left in the middle of the meal and returned about ten minutes later, brushing gold dust off of their clothes but that probably didn't mean anything. I don't know, maybe we will have a calm year this year.

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