Greek Mythology!

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First day with my own class. This is going to be fun!


Yes! Ancient Runes today! I can't wait.

We walked into the classroom and I breathed a sigh of relief. This is what a classroom is supposed to look like. Desks, books, quills, parchment, etc. Everything a good classroom needs. Professor Chase stood at the front of the classroom, reading a book while Percy played at the chalkboard. Wait, why is Percy here. At that moment Professor Chase looked up.

"Ah, you're here. Come in, take a desk. Today we're going to start on the subject of Greek Mythology. Can anyone tell me about the twelve Olympians?"

The four exchange students raised their hands in a bored fashion, my hand shot into the air, and Percy was bouncing in Annabeth's chair, hand high. She hit him in the back of the head with her book. I like her style!

She pointed to me.

"There are twelve major gods that are called the Olympians. The three main brothers, or the big three, are Zeus: lord of the sky; king of the gods, Poseidon: god of the sea; earthshaker; lord of horses, and Hades: lord of the dead; riches; and anything under earth though he is not considered as one of the Olympians. The queen of the gods, Hera, is godess of marriage, childbirth, and family. There's also Demeter, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Heaphestus, Ares, Hestia, Athena. Then there are also hundreds of minor gods."

"Very good ..."

"Granger. Hermione Granger."

"Well, very good Hermione but Hestia never wanted a throne so she gave it to Dionysus when he became the god of wine. Now here are your text books."

She started to further explain the myths and had Percy use his wand to demonstrate the different powers of the gods as she named them. It was by far my favourite class this year. No one fell asleep. They were all paying attention!

It's a true school miracle!

Sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to get past this.

May the Gods be ever in your favour.

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