Sick Day (Jaime)

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You woke up early this morning releasing yourself from Jaime's grasp.

I ran as quickly as I could to the restroom in fear that I might throw up on our bed. I began to puke just as I made it to the toilet. My hair was being picked up and I felt a kiss being placed on my head. I turned around to face a sleepy Jaime.

"It's okay baby, I'm here." he said rubbing my back.

"It's fine Jaime, go back to bed. You've barley gotten any sleep."

"You're crazy Y/N, I'm not leaving your side, now let's go set you back down on the bed" he said in his deep morning voice.

He gently set me down and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Now just wait here and if you need anything just yell," he said winking.

I smiled and just sat there feeling miserable, a few minutes passed and just I was finishing up checking my social media Jaime walked in with a tray of food.

"What do you got there? " I asked giggling.

"I had to take care of my princess so I made you pancakes!" he said.

I couldn't help but smile so big because he's just so cute and thoughtful. He even placed a flower next to my plate.

"Aww thank you baby, you didn't have to do this" I said taking the tray.

"It's nothing, I'm sorry if it tastes bad! I tried really hard so I hope that makes up for the taste" he said with a concerned face.

"It's perfect Jaime, I love it, thank you"

He jumped in bed with me and we shared the pancakes and juice. Which probably wasn't a good idea due to me being sick and all, but he insisted on being the perfect boyfriend and staying by my side throughout the whole day. Needless to say I was taking care of him all next week 😂💖.

A/N: Aww how cute is Jaime? lol! 😂 I hope you guys liked it and thank you for your votes! If you want a personal imagine DM me with what boy and a description if you have an idea, thank you guys again! 💙

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