Chapter Eighteen

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A few months later, Umbridge and the ministry had taken over Hogwarts, leaving Dumbledore missing and Umbridge our new headmaster. And just when we all were just about sick of Umbridge's non-magically teaching and torturous detentions, Fred, George, Claire, Hunter, Laila, and I received a message to meet at Hogsmeade if we wanted to be able to defend ourselves from the Dark Arts.

Of course, we all did. So, with an unfortunate tag along of Michael, we set sail on the cobblestoned path towards Hogsmeade, wondering what in the world this would all be about. When we arrived at the Hog's Head, we journeyed inside, only to be met with a large group of students from Hogwarts.

"I had no idea the message had gotten around to everyone." Hunter said from his stance beside me.

"Yes, everyone but the Slytherins, because they enjoy Umbridge as their teacher." Claire nodded out, pointing towards the absence of green snakes in the room.

"Really? I couldn't see how even Draco Malfoy would like words carved into the back of his hand." Hunter said, shaking out the mark he'd freshly received after Umbridge caught he and Laila kissing in the hall before her class.

Since chairs were scarce in the crowded Head, the boys found us seats and set them close to the back, while they stood up behind mine, Claire's, and Laila's spots in the back, easily being able to see over the whole crowd.

After a few more moments of waiting, Hermione, Ron, and Harry made their way to chairs placed in the front of the room. Hermione, standing while the two boys sat, began to speak as the chatter quietly died down. "Um, hi. So, we all know why we’re here. We need a teacher; a proper teacher. One who’s had real experience in defending against the dark arts."

A little third year from the front spoke out in defiance to Hermione's words. "Why?"

" Why? Because You-Know-Who’s back, you tosh-pot." Ron snapped quickly in Hermione's defense, and I saw the look of gratitude that she flashed back at him.

"So he says." The third year, Zacharias Smith, slandered, pointing at Harry.

"Oh, that damn kid. I swear I would like to rip his throat out." I heard Hunter seethe from his stance above Laila's chair to my right. Laila lifted a hand, patting his soothingly, and he was quiet once more.

I turned back to the argument at the front, where Hermione was lashing out with a patient "So Dumbledore says."

Zacharias argued back harshly. "So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof? If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed-"

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now. Come on, Hermione, let's go. They just think I'm some sort of freak." Harry cut off Zacharias and then stood up to leave.

'Wait!" Hermione called after him, while Lune Lovegood called from her chair "Is it true that you can produce a Patronus Charm?"

"Yes, I've seen it!" Hermione answered for Harry, who was carefully turned back to look at the gathered students.

"Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that." I heard Dean something call out from the middle of the crowd.

"And he killed a basilisk!" Neville added. "With the sword in Dumbledore's office."

"It's true!" Hermione called out.

"And third year he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once." Ron piped up from his chair. Every person in the crowd turned toward Harry with wide, curious eyes.

"And last year he fought You-Know-Who in the flesh." Hermione finished, before Harry stepped up and silenced her and the wondering crowd.

"Hermione... Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that, but the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time, and I nearly always had help." Harry confessed.

"You're just being modest, Harry." Hermione said, but Harry silenced her again.

"No, Hermione, I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow, but out there, when you're a second away from being murdered, or watching a friend die right before your eyes, you don't know what that's like." Harry said, choking a little and letting Hermione finish.

"You're right, Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help, if we're going to have any chance when facing.... Voldemort."

"Merlin, he's really back, isn't he?" Nigel piped in, and the three in the front nodded solemnly.

After the trio's speech, they made another one about signing up for Dumbledore's Army, and each person in the Hog's Head lined up to put their name on the piece of parchment. Even Michael, much to my protest, signed his name confidently.

"Aw, come on Ri, it's better than Umbridge teaching him her load of dragon dung." Fred consoled me about Michael, which did in fact make me feel a bit better about Michael joining the DA group. Not to mention how excited the little second year seemed about the whole thing.

Our little group of seven trooped out of the Hog's Head quickly, knowing that soon the staff of Hogwarts would be wondering where all the missing students had gone off to. Quickly, Fred and George passed most of the students with Claire and I in tow, until we found the four people they were looking for.

"So, Harold, where will we being having these secret meetings?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, I don't think it will be very smiled upon if we hold secret defense classes in the middle of the castle." George added with a laugh.

"We'll find a place, guys. Don't worry. Just let me think." Harry said, causing Fred and George to fall back into step with Claire and I, giving us curious looks.


"Looks like Umbridge has filed a new complaint." Laila said as she and Claire walked with me to lunch. We looked up at the newest rule posted.

"No student organizations? She knows, doesn't she?" Claire let out a frightful sigh as we continued along.

"Of course she knows. I bet she told the whole Ministry that Dumbledore was responsible for the whole entire thing, too." I spat, aiming every amount of hate I had at Umbridge as we arrived in the Great Hall and sat down with Fred, George, and Hunter.

"Ello, ladies. How are you three this-" Fred began but was cut off by hurried footsteps.

"They've found it! Riley, Claire, they're found it!" Michael yelled as he ran towards us in a puff.

"Michael, settle down. Who's found what?" I asked.

"Harry. He's found a place know. Meet tonight!" And then, Michael was gone again to tell someone else the great news.

"Did he say exactly where we should meet tonight?" George asked, staring off at Michael as he retreated out of view.

"There's no telling with that kid." Hunter chuckled.


"Alright, Riley. You're up! Show him what you're made of." Harry called out to me as I stood before the dummy holding a wand.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, flourishing my wand just so and watching the dummy's wand fly straight out of his hand.

"Amazing! Good job!" Harry praised, and I nodded happily. Soon, everyone in the whole DA had unarmed the dummy, except for Neville, and we were dismissed for a good nights sleep.

"You know, I think this is going to be a great thing." Fred said, happily walking back to the common room with our hands intertwined.

"I sure hope so. We'd be dead if we got caught." I said, and Fred flashed me a devious smile before grabbing my waist and crashing his lips to mine, just down the hall from Umbridge's classroom.

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