Chapter Four

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It had been one week since I found out Fred "fancied" me, and three days since I had realized that I fancied him back. Claire was head over heels for George by now, and it hurt me a little every time she got her hopes up and then he shot them down by ignoring her or flirting with Katie.

We were sitting in the Great Hall, waiting for Dumbledore to announce the champions for our school that would be pulled out of the Goblet of Fire. The lights were dim and every student was silent, even Michael as he stared ahead in awe.

The previous night Fred and George had brewed an aging potion and tried, unsuccessfully, to put their names in the Goblet even though they were underage. It had resulted to them growing white beards and their usual long ginger hair had turned the same color. They were imediantly sent to the hospital wing, and were not seen for the rest of the night. It had been the only time I had seen Hunter crack a smile since we had been at Hogwarts.

"Who do you think its gonna be?" Michael bounced as Claire tried to keep him quiet.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is," Dumbledore annoced as a lacy piece of parchment blew out of the flames of the Goblet and into his outstreched hand. "Fleur Delacour." I heard cheers from the Beauxbaton girls as a tall blonde strode to Dumbledor, shook is hand, and went to wait for the other champions in a room away from the Great Hall.

"The champion for Durmstrang will be...Victor Krum." Shouts were heard all over the room, and not just from the Durmstrang students.

"And for Hogwarts, the champion is Cedric Digory." I clapped, not because I was happy for Cedric, but because this was the boy who would be representing my school.

Dumbledor started to speak again but couldn't finish his sentence when the Goblet irupted in pink flames as it had when the other three names were pulled and a fourth piece of parchment floated into Dumbledor's hand.

The whole room went silent. No one had any idea why a fourth name was drawn. That was the whole point of the Triwizard tournament. Tri meant three. There were only three names that were supposed to be pulled from the Goblet.

"Harry Potter." Dumbledore read the name and I gasped. No, no please, not Harry.

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore roared and Harry stood up slowly across from where I was sitting.

"Oh, Harry, for goodness sake's, go." Hermione Granger urged and pushed him from the table and the safety of his friends. Dumbledor handed him the piece of parchment with his name on it and Harry walked away to follow the other champions.

"He's a cheat." Someone shouted.

"He's not even seventeen yet!" Another student cried but I wasn't listening. I was shocked that my friend's name had entered the Goblet some how. I was scared for him. Many wizards and witches had died in this tournament, and Harry was only a fourth year.


"How did he do?" Ron, Harry's best friend, shouted as the Gryffindor students made their way to the common room. I was in the back of the crowd, holding Michael's hand. He hadn't said a word since Harry's name was drawn .

"I have no idea, cheated the Goblet somehow." Seamus FInnigin said in his perfect Irish accent. I rolled my eyes. These boys were suppoed to be Harry's friends and instead they were talking about him behind his back. Of course he didn't put his name in the Goblet. I doubted Harry wanted eternal glory.

The Gryffindors piled into the common room, some going to bed while others, like me and Claire, sat in the oversized armchairs and talked for a while. I had already sent Michael to bed with Hunter, as both of their eyes drooped with sleep.

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