Chapter Three

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I was woken up the next morning with a pillow slapped againest my face. I groaned and rolled over to see Claire standing above me, "weapon" reloaded and ready to hit me again.

"Get up, come on! Michael has been yelling around the common room all morning wanting to explore! You have got to get up." Claire grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my warm bed. I wanted to slap her, and Michael, for making me get up so early on the last free day we had until classes start.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and drying my hair instantly with a wave of my wand. I threw on a pair of jeans, my favorite Beatles t-shirt, and my grey boots. After tucking my wand into my right boot and applying make up, I started making my bed and picking my dirty clothes off the floor. Claire waved her wand and my trunk unpacked itself, my bed made itself, and my dirties flew neatly to the laundry basket.

"Come on." She insisted as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Riley! Your up." Micahel was sitting on the couch right in front of the fireplace. The ginger head that was sitting him him got up and strode over to me.

"Goodmorning." Fred smiled as Michael ran up and hugged me.

"Sorry, about you having to babysit him." I said.

"No, it was fine. We had fun, right Michael?" Micahel nodded and started bouncing toward the exist behind the fat lady.

"We need to go explore, now." Michael bubbled and i rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Mind if we tag along?" Fred asked as George appared from the stairs of the boys' dormatories. Claire nodded and was instatly infused in conversation with George. Fred walked beside me in an awkard silence as Michael bounded toward the Great Hall ahead of us.

"So what classes have you got this year?" Fred asked.

I pulled my timetable out of my back pocket and handed it to him.

"Looks like we have the same classes." He smirked and I groaned. If I had all my classes with Fred, I would never get anything done. Last year we had potions together and he blew up so many different things and disrupted class so many times I almost failed.

"I'm so excited." I said sarcastically. We reached the Great Hall and took our places at the Gryffindor table. I never really liked breakfast, it just wasn't a meal that appealed to me. I buttered a biscut and drank a small glass of pumpkin juice while the boys gobbled down as much food as the could.

"Oh great, we forgot Hunter." I groaned. He was so easy to forget sometimes, it unnerved me.

"He's a big boy, Ri. I promise he will survive a day without his sister." Claire giggled and I smacked her arm.

"Hi, boys." I groaned as Katie and Angelina took a place on either side of Fred and George. I wanted to puke at the flirting that we were witnessing in front of us and grabbed Claire's hand.

"Come on, Michael." Claire coaxed him away from his food and out of the Great Hall.

"Why do we have to leave?" I'm still hungry!" Michael complained.

"Come on, kid. You eat like a horse." Claire teased and ruffled his hair. I gave her a thankful look. Katie and Angelina were never my friends. I could not stand them. I knew they liked Fred and George, and for some odd reason that made jealousy fly through me. I stopped myself as a red flush enveloped my checks. Jealous of Fred flirting with Angelina? That was absurd.

We made it to the lake and Michael imediantly went down to the water's edge and began skipping stones. I stayed perched on a boulder with Claire, ready to bake all day in the beautiful sunshine.

Magic Made- A Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now