Chapter Twenty

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"Merry Christmas, Riley." I voiced whispered deeply into my ear, followed by soft kisses trailing from my jaw line to my forehead. I opened my eyes slightly, pulling Fred's cheeks down so his lips could meet mine.

"G'morning." I mumbled sleepily, turning away from Fred and trying to pull the duvet tighter around my body.

"Come on, Rils. It's time to open our present. You know my mom always buy the best stuff." Fred said and I bolted upright.

"You liar." I seethed. Grabbing my robe and slipping my feet into my slippers, I grabbed Fred's hand and laughed along with him as we made our way down to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Mr. Weasley! How nice to see you." I said, noticing the bandaged man sitting at the head of the table. He was completely purple, with bumps and slings everywhere, but never once did his smile falter.

"It's always a pleasure to see you as well, Ms. Moss." He said.

"And it's a great surprise and delight to have Harry here with as well." Mrs. Weasley said.

"Thank you. A Merry Christmas to you all." Harry said, which was followed by a stream of Merry Christmas's.

After an amazing breakfast of every kind of food you could imagine, Mrs. Weasley helped Mr. Weasley into the living room and we all followed for our presents. Each of us sat in an assortment of places along the sofas, floors, and walls. I noticed even Hunter standing happily in a corner with Sirius.

"Alright, now now, settle down everyone. I'm giving presents first so don't-" Mrs. Weasley started but was interrupted by the banging open of the front door.

“Don’t tell us we’ve missed Christmas already!” Remus Lupin boomed, followed closely by a colorfully dressed Kingsly Shacklebolt and Mad-Eye Moody.

“There you boys are! I thought you weren’t going to make it! Come, sit. I was just handing out the first round of gifts.” Mrs. Weasley said, ushering the three aurors into the living room and grabbing a stack of presents, handing each person in the room one.

We all opened them at the exact same time, and were not in the least bit shocked to pull out a pile of knitted material. Mine was a light green jumper, perfect for sleeping in, I decided. The others received similar gifts, whether it was jumpers, hats, or scarves. All were knitted with every bit of Mrs. Weasley’s magic.

After that, the room was a living tissue papered disaster. Everyone was handing everyone presents. And once everyone had a pile of gifts sat at their feet, they began to open them.

I received numerous supplies of candies and other goodies from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Hunter and Michael each got me new luxury quills, which were the most beautiful mixture of Peacock and Griffin feathers. Claire got me books, and I in return got her the same thing.

George’s present was a bag full of prototypes from the store he and Fred hoped to open after this year. And the best presents, were of course, hidden at the bottom. I reached for the horribly wrapped one first, knowing with all the love and affection in my heart, it was coming from Fred.

Opening it slowly and with a smile, I found two boxes stacked together, one considerably smaller than the other. I opened the smallest first, to find two charms for the bracelet Fred gave me the previous Christmas; the bracelet I’d never taken off. The charms were a tiny golden dragon, and a deep colored, metal winged horse. To the naked eye, maybe it looked as though the charm were a Pegasus. But I knew better. The tiny thing was detailed heavily, and those details brought it out to be a Thestral.

I smiled over at Fred, whose lap I was almost sitting on on the tiny couch we were sharing with both Claire and George. He smiled back, encouraging me to open the next, larger box. I peeled away the brown paper eagerly, revealing a medium sized, leather bound book.

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