Where you meet

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Jack: You were walking out of an ally with a loaf of bread in your hands. You had just been hiding from the bulls after they chased you down the streets of Manhattan. As you were walking out you bumped into someone tall and muscular.
     "Aye watch where ya goi-" he stopped short after seeing that cap you had on fall off revealing your (y/h/c) hair cascading down your back. You picked up the bread that had fallen on the ground and brushed off your pants.
     "names (y/n)" you said confidently holding out your hand after you spat in it.
     "Jack Kelly" he said smirking, taking your hand and holding it longer than necessary. You blushed awkwardly after the smile he gave you and headed off in another direction as he called out
     "When will I see you again?" you smiled to yourself and turned around yelling
     "Tomorrow night same place" You left him standing there thinking of how much you reminded him of himself.

Spot: You and your family had just moved from Scotland, looking for better job opportunities. "New York is the place to be!" these words that your father had said kept ringing through your head. To you though, it was a different story. You had to pack up and leave your friends, neighbors, but most of all, your home land. Things couldn't get any worse in your life, this is why you wound up walking the Brooklyn Bridge peering over the edge every now and then to admire the way the moon glows on the water. Your serenity was cut short though by the smash of a crate hitting the ground. You whip around to see a boy maybe two years older than you, a slingshot aimed at you, with a pimp cane in his belt loop. You were now shaking slightly, you didn't know what people from New York were like, but you had a feeling that they weren't very nice.
     " Gotta name?" he asked moving closer with every step.
     "...(y/n)" you say timidly. "and you?"   you could almost see the smirk through the darkness.
     "The names Spot Conlon. King a Brooklyn" he says now smiling like a kid. He lowered his sling shot and put it in his waist band. "sorry that I scared ya." he says now right in front of me.
     "It's alright" you state with more confidence.
     "Youse ain't from these parts are ya?" he said resting his weight on a pile of crates.
"You caught me" you say chuckling slightly. "Just moved here from Scotland"
     "Wow. Well (y/n), seein dat youse don't know the dangers of bein out here all alone, I'm gonna walk ya home" he said holding out his arm. I blush and take it while he walks me back home. I can already tell we're gonna be good friends.

Racetrack: You met Racetrack where he was everyday, the racing grounds. It just so happens that you bet on the same horse that he did.
     "AW CMON YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME!!!" you scream at the top of your lungs tugging at your hair. Suddenly you smell the familiar scent of a cigar and turn to see a boy a with black hair and big brown eyes staring at you.
     "Bet on (horse name) too I see?" he says crossing his arms across his chest. You smile and nod in return and so does he. After a long and frustrating day at the grounds Racetrack offers to walk ya home and you gladly except. When you get to your house after a long walk filled with laughs and nice talks you kiss him on the cheek and walk inside, leaving him smiling like a kid in a candy store on your doorstep.

Mush: You were watching a show at Medda's enjoying yourself up in the nosebleed section when you felt eyes resting on you. You turn to your right to see a boy your age walking toward you. You try to hide your blush after seeing how attractive he is. He sat down next to you and smiled while holding out his hand.
     "Hiya miss. The names Mush" he says cracking that beautiful smile of his.
     "Nice ta meet ya Mush. I'm (y/n)"
     "(y/n)... yeah I like that name. Sounds like a name that should belong to a beautiful girl" he says looking off towards the stage. You couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness when he says this, but it's quickly replaced by butter flies when he says "oh wait it already does"
     You can't help but burst out laughing at this lousy pick up line. He soon joins in and this lands you both getting kicked out for being too loud. You spend the rest of the day together and promise to meet back at Medda's the next day

Davey: Davey and you had been friends as long as you can remember. You grew up in the same apartment building and went to the same school. You and him are practically inseparable.

Crutchy: You met Crutchy the night he was thrown in the refuge. As soon as he came in you helped him over to an empty bunk. You cleaned up his wounds that those lousy Delancy Brothers gave him. Later that night you went up to the roof and layed under the stars and talked about your hopes and dreams. Crutchy promised that as soon as you both got out he would take you to meet all the newsies and help you achieve your dreams. 

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