You get hurt

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Jack: You and Jack are sellin papes down where the fights happen. Today was an awfully busy day, causing you and jack to be separated. You loose sight of him and start to panic. People are closing in on you and you try to get up but keep getting stepped on.
     "Oi!! Watch it!" you say try once again to get up. As your halfway up someone steps on your ankle. You heard a crack and whimpered in pain. You were tough so you didn't make a big deal out of it.
     "(y/n)?! (y/n)?!" you hear ringing out in the crowds. Jack appears above you with a concerned look on his face. "Who did this?" he asks bending down picking you up bridal style.
     "Youse don't need to carry me cowboy... and I'm not sure they's walked away before I could see their face" you say struggling to bear the pain of your ankle.
     "Oh be quite (y/n) you ain't walkin anywhere with this injury" he says kissing your cheek and walking to the lodging house.

Spot: You were practicing with your sling shot. Shooting the rocks at the targets you painted on the boards of wood, one just so happened to ricochet of the board and hit you right below your eye.
     "$;&/@/$:!/@:$!/" you say slamming your hand to your face. You start walking back to your bunk feeling a liquid run down your face. "Youse gotta be kiddin me" you say pulling your hand away to see blood covering it. You walk into the room and see spot looking out the window watching the other newsies jumping in and out of the water. You wince in pain from the contact your fingers made trying to see where the cut had been made.
     "(y/n)?" he asks turning around. "Sheesh!! Where'd ya get that good looking mark." he says standing up.
     "Shut up Spot! This really hurts!" you look around for a bandage. "And for your information I got it from practicing with my sling shot." Not being successful with finding a bandage you sit down and put your head in the hand that isn't covered in blood. Spot is rattling through small boxes and containers until he finally finds and bandage. He walks over with it in his hands and begins to clean your wounds with water.
     "Ise sorry doll face i didn't know how bad it was." he said staring to put a rag dabbing away the blood.
     "It's aight, youse didn't notice." you say pulling him closer to you in a bear hug.

Mush: You and Blink were racing from the Newsboy lodge to Tibbys to see who was faster.
     "On ya mark... get set... GO!" Jack yells swinging his hat in the direction you were running. You both take off pushing each other and laughing. The other newsies running along and yelling with you on the side walk getting rude remarks from other people walking. Mush was the loudest though, cheering you on as you ran as fast as you could.  "ITS RIGHT THERE!!!" you say to yourself as you keep pushing yourself to get there before Blink. You were about to get with winning distance when Morris Delancey ran out in front of you causing you to stop running. Since you were going so fast you didn't know how to stop. You made a full attempt to slow down but instead slammed into the ground and slid across the gravel just in time for Morris to run away. Everything was blurry and hard to hear, you had dirt in your eyes and the impact caused a ringing in your ears. You managed to open your eyes and saw Jack and Blink running after Morris. They had always been like older brothers to you. You tried to get up but became week at the sight of the skin on certain parts of your body. You began to whimper when u saw a figure run over to you.
     "(Y/N)!!! It's okay I'm here! I'm gonna help you." he said pulling you into his arms. The tears helped wash out your eyes and you looked up to see Mush. "This is so embarrassing" you say trying to hide your face in his chest.  You begin to pass out and the last thing you saw was mush kissing your forehead telling you that he loves you

Crutchy: You and Crutchy were both in the refuge. You had gone after him after he'd been taken by the Bulls. You were made the servant for everyone working there. One night you dropped a tray of food that was being taken to Snyder.
     "Well well well." you stop trying to clean up the spilt food and turn to look at him only to be met by a slap in the face. Your head turns away in impact and you bite your lips to hold in the tears. "Clean this up. I'll get someone more capable to bring me dinner" he says walking into his office. You clean up the dishes and take it into the kitchen walking back up the where all the bunks were. Crutchy looks up and immediately limps over and caresses your face. He has a questioning look on his face and you nod hugging him. Knowing that he already knew who hit you. He puts his head in your neck and whispers "As soon as we get out of here I'll make sure he never lays a hand on you again"

Davey: You were at the Newsie rally when the Bulls stormed in arresting any Newsie they could get their hands on.
     "(y/n) GET OUT OFF HERE NOW!!" him and jack yell at you Sarah and les shoving you toward the back entrance. The three of you run off trying to get out. You open the door and run out into the sea of police. You push Sarah out of the way as the weapon the officer is holding comes in contact with the side of your head knocking you out. Later that night David came with the other Newsies looking for you after Sarah told him this was the last place she saw you. Racetrack spotted you and David ran over cradling you in his arms carrying you back to his house for medical attention

Racetrack: You were working for Medda one day cleaning the place up. You were dusting around the area which held the weights to the curtains right above it. As you were dusting you saw a weight about to fall and you dove away from it, landing on your arm.
     "Oh man" you say clutching your arm in pain. Medda was no where to be seen so you decided to leave a note and walk back to the newsboy lodge. You walked in and all the boys attention turned to you.
      "Why are ya clutchin your arm?" Racetrack asked, walking up to you.
     "A weight was about to fall on me and I had to get out of the way before it fell on me." you said sitting down, still holding your arm close to your stomach.
     "We're gonna get you some help babe don't worry," Racetrack said sitting down next to you. You blush at the fact that he called you babe. Even the sling you had to keep your arm in didn't even put you mood down.

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