Chapter 2

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Jesy's POV:

As Jaden and I walked back to the table my mom gave me an approving and proud smile. My mother was like an older sister and she acted like it too.

"Mom, this is Jaden. Jaden, this is my mom," I said introducing the two to each other when we arrived at the table. "It’s a pleasure meeting you, Jaden," my mom said as they shuck hands.

"The pleasure is all mine," Jaden was a gentlemen - big turn on. Jaden and I sat down and my mom introduced Jaden and my "dad".

We all had a good time and everything went well. It was nice knowing that if Jaden and I did become friend - or more - that my parents would like him.

"Are you two wanting to hang out, because if you do that's perfectly fine with me," my mom asked/said as we stood on the boardwalk.

Jaden and I exchanged glances and smiled at each other, and then I looked at my mom and nodded 'yes', "I'll text you later." My mom nodded and that was it. They left and then it was just Jaden and I, smiling at each other until a group of guys, the ones that Jaden were with earlier, came up to us with a - proud (??) - smile. "And who is this beautiful lady, Jaden?" one of them asked, he looked very mature for his age yet short.

Jaden smiled and introduced me, "Guys this is Jesy. Jesy this is Moises and Mateo." So the one who first talked was Moises. The two guys, Moises and Mateo, looked similar, except for one being clearly older than the other. My guess was that they were brothers and Mateo was the older of the two.

"So, tell us about yourself," Moises said smiling.

I felt a little embarrassed and looked at Jaden, for comfort? Maybe. I slightly laughed and began, "Well, you already know my name, Jesy; I am 16 years old and just moved here with my mother and her new husband. I skate, clearly, and sometimes I dance but few people know so shh," I said putting my pointer finger over my lips and winking.

"I like this girl, Jay," Mateo spoke.

"I like you guys, too," I said with a smile. I was usually never this outgoing and talkative but something about this group of guys just made me feel comfortable and myself.

“But the more important question is, do you like Jaden?” Moises asked with a smirk.

Of course I like Jaden. He was nice and different, different in a good way. He was a very attractive guy with a beautiful smile and shinning eyes, “Why would I be here if I didn’t?” I said looking at Jaden and giving him a flirtatious smile.  

“Well, enough chit-chat, how about we go down to the beach?” Mateo chimed in, causing Jaden and I to look away and smile, awkwardly.

We all agreed that the beach sounded great and headed down the dock, taking off our shoes and leaving our skateboards there with them. The beach was quiet, with few people there as the sun began to set.

“Have you been to the beach before?” Jaden asked as we walked in the sand, behind Mateo and Moises.

“Uh, a few times but never here,” you could hear the nervousness in my voice as I talked to Jaden, “It’s beautiful.” I stopped and smiled at the ocean. Jaden grabbed my hand and at first I thought it was to hold it but nope. I was completely wrong. He pulled me into the ankle deep water before I stopped him from going any further, “Are you crazy? I’m not going in the water.”

“Don’t be such a baby, come on!” He said, reaching out for my hand again but I pulled it away.

“Maybe some other time when I actually have a bathing suit.” I saw Jaden smirk, why?

Jaden’s P.O.V.:

I smirked at the thought of Jesy in a bikini, her body was fine and anybody would want to see that. I whipped the smirk off of my face and picked Jesy up and threw her over my shoulder and walked further into the water.

“Jaden! Let me down!” she said in a raised voice, not quiet yelling, as she kicked her feet up and down and hit my back with her fist. She expected this to harm me but it felt like a little kid. I smacked her butt, not hard but not soft either.

I could hear her gasp at my action, “I never said you could touch my ass!”

“Well, I guess it was a good thing that I didn’t ask,” I said laying a hand on her butt again.

“Jaden let me down now.” We were far enough in the water, to where the bottom of my shorts we’re starting to get wet so, I put her down.  She shirked at the sudden coldness of the water. After she got used to the water she put her hands on her hips and gave me a look that spoke for itself, “I don’t know how I feel about you right now.”

I smiled, “You’re not really mad.”

“You don’t know that,” she retorted.

“Well, are you mad?”

Her hands feel off her hips and she looked down, slowly shaking her head ‘no’. 

“I knew it,” I said grabbing her hand and walking back to the shore to where Mateo and Moises were. Jesy reached into her bag and pulled out her phone, her facial expression changed; she turned to me, “I have to head home,” she said. My expression matched hers, “Well, I would like to walk you home.” She nodded her head ‘yes’ and smiled, biting her lip; she was so attractive. We said goodbye to Mateo and Moises and walked to where are shoes were and slipped them on and then grabbed our boards and she also carrying her bag and she lead us to her house.

“Thanks,” she smiled at me as we stood in front of her house.

“It was my pleasure.  I had fun hanging out with you; maybe we can do it again.”

“I would love that, just tell me when.”

“Well, how about tomorrow? Would you like to come to a concert with me?” I really hope she says yes because this concert is my concert and I would love for her to hear me, if she hasn’t already.

“That seems fun,” she nodded her head.

“Okay, I’ll pick you up tomorrow around 7; sound okay?”

She nodded her head and we said goodbye and she walked inside. I skated back to the boys and the whole time I was just imaging what tomorrow would be like; if she would have fun, if she would hate it, if she would like it, if she would think that I’m cocky taking her to my concert? All of these questions ran through my head and now I was getting nervous. I have never been nervous about what someone would think of me but now I am and I hate it. This isn’t me.


Hey guys! This was just kind of a quick update. I HOPE YOU LIKED IT AND IF YOU DID PLEASE 




Please tell me what you think, I would love to know! 

(AND Happy Fourth of July if you're from America! have fun today, i know I will!) 

okay, until next time BYE!


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