Chapter 1

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Jesy's POV:

I had just finished packing the last box of belongings in my room and was caring it out to my mom’s car. She had only laid the news on me a week ago and I still hadn't accepted it fully but in less than 11 hours Los Angeles, California would be my new home. I would be starting all over. New life style. New friends. New school. New dad. Everything would change. With two months left in school, I would be finishing online. The beach would be only a few miles away and so would the mall. There was a skate park down on the beach and even a pizza parlor YUM!  I tried to think about the positives because I couldn't do anything to change it. I was still considered a minor and couldn't live on my own and hey, Cali could be pretty fun. "Jesy, honey, can you help me with these last few boxes?" My mom asked me from in the kitchen as I walked back inside. I picked up a box with a slight groan and my mother looked at me, "Now, Jesy, I know you don't really like this whole idea of moving to California but-" I interrupted my mother before she could finish, "Actually, I think I may enjoy it there." My mom had a slight smile appear on her lips and then we carried the last two boxes to the car, locked the house, and headed on our 11 hour drive to our new home.

 Jaden's POV:

 "Jaden, my main man. How are you? Long time, no see," Moises said as I neared him and Mateo at the skate park. "Hey man!" We didn't talk much we just got straight to skateboarding.

We spent a good two hours skating before we all got tired and sat down to caught our breath. "How about we go get some pizza?" Mateo suggested. We never denied pizza so we got right back on our boards and skated down the road to our favorite pizza parlor and ordered our normal. After ordering we sat at a table and waited for our pizza to be served.

 Jesy's POV:

 It was a long 11 hour drive to LA and I was excited to finally get out of the car. When we arrived at my new "home" a tall man with a slight beard was standing at the top of the steps with a huge smile on his face. I assume that would be James, my new "dad". After James and my mother embraced each other my mom finally introduced me to him, "Jesy, this is James." He reached his hand out and I slowly took it and shook his hand. "It’s great to finally meet you, Jesy," he said as we released our hands. "It’s nice to meet you too," I said shyly. I wasn't really excited to have a new "dad" in the picture so it would take time but I would at least try, for my mom. "How about you go and get familiar with the area and James and I will stay here and unpack sound good?" My mom asked. I just nodded my head and she handed me $30. I grabbed my skateboard from the car and headed down to the boardwalk.

The beach was breathtaking. I picked my board up and started walking down the strip of stores, gift shops, and restaurants. It wasn’t too crowded, which was a good thing. I wasn’t good at being around a lot of people in a crowded space. My phone vibrated.


   There is a pizza shack. James and I are going there to eat. Meet us there in 5.

I didn’t bother replying; I just put my phone back in my pocket and continued to walk until I found the (only) pizza shack. I walked in and took a set, putting my bag on my board. A waiter came up to me and asked, "Will it just be you today?"

"No, they'll be here soon."

"Okay, what can i get you to drink?"

"Water will be fine."

The waiter nodded his head and walked away, leaving me alone. I heard a group of guys laugh causing me to look in their direction and make eye contact with one of them. He was cute. We held eye contact for a few seconds before I could tell that my cheeks were bright red. I broke the eye contact and looked down, embarrassed.

"Hey, nice board."

I looked up. It was him.

"Uh… Thank you," I said smiling.

"Are you eating alone because if so I would love to accompany you."

"My mom and step-dad will be here soon."

"Aw, well, it was nice talking to you..."


"Jaden. Maybe we'll run into each other again, sometime."

I nodded and smiled and then realized that my mom and James arrived at the table. Jaden gave me a smile and then left.

"Who was that?" My mom asked with a grin.

"Jaden," I said trying not to smile ear-to-ear and give it away that for little very little time I knew Jaden, I liked him.


"He's nice."

"No number? No plans?"

"Mom! Just sit down so we can eat." My mother listened and took a sit in front of me with James beside her, with his hand reached across the back of her chair.

 Jaden's POV:

 Jesy's, what I assumed were her parents, had shown up and I went back to the table with the guys.

"She's cute," Moises said looking at Jesy. I gave him the death stare. "And she skates."

"Back. Up. Moises," I said, angry.

"What? I'm just saying!"

"Did you get her number?" Mateo asked.

"I just meet her, I don’t want to creep her out or make her think that I'm just hitting on her."

"Dude!" Moises sighed

"You have to get her number! This is a big town, what are the chances of you two seeing each other again?" Mateo said

"Who said I wanted to see her again?"

"I saw the way you were acting around her! You're into that girl."

"Just go get it! I mean you’re Jaden Smith!" Moises said encouraging me.

"She's so much better than me. Why would she even give me a chance?" I meant to say quietly but Moises heard.

"Have you seen yourself man? I would defiantly give you my number. If you don’t go get it then, I will."

"No, no, no! That’s not necessary, I'll go get it!" I quickly got up and walked back over to the table she was sitting at. My hands were getting sweaty, as I was getting nervous. I mean, her parents are RIGHT THERE!

 "Hey," Jesy smiled.

 "Hey," I smiled back, "I was wondering if I could talk to you?"

She seemed confused but agreed and we walked to a corner of the pizza place. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime?" I reached my hand behind my head, trying to cover up my nervousness.

"Of course, I would love to," she responded. I smiled and tried to keep from showing my over excitement. "Uh, would you like to come join me?" I nodded and we walked over to the table were her parents were.


This chapter isn't much but the next one will be, promise! because I already have it typed out(; 

feedback is very much appreciated (: 

I would love to know what you guys think so i know if I should continue on with this story, what I should change, what I shouldn't change, etc. 


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