Chapter 1: Back to square one

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~Author's Note~Okay so before I start this story out. This is inspired by Sister's Friend another Ayato x Kaneki fan fiction by ackermanxarcher its really good go check it out :3. This is told by Ayato's POV, I might switch it up, but maybe not, it's too confusing to switch POVs all of a sudden. And before you guys get confused, this takes place after Tokyo Ghoul but before Re. OC's In the story: Ren, Mr. Matroshka, Mrs. Galliene,and Caspin. You might not see them in this chapter but next one you will X3 anyways enjoy the story!~Love: Kikarashou~

It's been a year after the war, and the ghouls and humans have agreed on creating a boundary lines separating us ghouls from humans. We have our own schools, restaurants, even restrooms. If any of us cross the line we will be shot on site (with a weapon deadly to us ghouls), what I really don't get is human's get a free pass, it's actually pretty normal for me to run into humans once in a while. Also it's mandatory for all of us to go to school. There we learn how to only eat dead humans, not alive humans. It sounds confusing, like how do we get our food when we have no humans to hunt, well, a law passed that any human found dead will be thrown into our side and given to us to eat. I couldn't care less about the new law but, that left me back at the start. My sister offered for me to stay with her until I could manage to live on my own.

I hesitated at first but reality struck me. I had no where to stay after Aogiri Tree was eliminated. Oh yeah and ghouls were ghouls. Gang ghouls are now illegal, if they are found, again, each member will be shot. We didn't want to risk that, so we spread out. So I decided I'd stay with her, until I could get a job and an apartment. Aintaku was destroyed so now my Touka works at a different cafe and still goes to school. Well anyways, fast forward to today. "Ayato! Ayato! Get your ass up! We can't be late for the first day of school! It's 7:30" Touka says while shaking my shoulder violently. "Urgh, 5 more minutes.." I groan moving away from her strong grip. "No 5 minutes! It takes you like 20 minutes to get ready then 10 minutes to walk to school" She points out. "Okay, okay, god" I yawn. I sit up and stretch, "here, and hurry", Touka says while throwing a wad of clothing at me. I unwrapped the ball of clothing, it was a get scared shirt, a black jacket, black combat boots with spikes on the sides and a black beanie. I clutch the clothing and hunch my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth, my hair, normal things you do in the morning.

"Hurry!" Touka cries from the door. I grab the cup of coffee on the table and throw my black backpack over my shoulder and rush over to Touka. "Okay so, I won't be here all the time because of school and work so your going to stay alone for a couple hours after school. Okay?" She sternly says, "Yeah whatever" I huff. "Listen you ass, I'm not trying to bug you, it's just that, it's been a long time since the last time you were in school." She announced. "Well yeah, but I'll be fine." I mutter. "SO, that is why I'm asking Kaneki to walk you back home." She stammered. My heart beats faster and my face glows red. Why? That name echos in my head making my heart beat faster and my skin to glow more red. I was to embarrassed to think why. Besides it wasn't that important at the time. Suddenly the bushes rustle startling Touka and I. That scent, it smells so familiar, though, who does it come from? It smells like Rize but at the same time, it doesn't. But how? I suddenly realize it's Ken Kaneki's scent! Right when I process that thought a tall, thin, pale figure pops out, yeah that's him. "Hey Touka", He calls. "Hey Kaneki." Touka replies with a smile.

Shit! My hearts beating faster and I'm almost sure I'm as red as Touka's shirt. I just stand there, walking in jerky movements like a robot. I'm pretty sure I look retarded as hell. Kaneki notices,
"Uhm? Ayato, are you okay? You seem stiff." Kaneki asks. "I-I-I'm fine, I just....Didn't sleep in a good position last night", I stutter. He lightly chuckles and resumes talking to my sister. Why the hell am I this nervous? Was I expecting Kaneki to beat the shit outta me like last time? I didn't wan't to think about it because the more thought I put into this stupid wreak, the more of an idiot I'd look and the more jerky movements I'd make. Suddenly after 10 minutes of me walking like a retarded robot and staring at my sister and Kaneki talking we finally arrive at school, its gigantic. I thought It'd be pretty crappy compared to how the government treats humans to how they treat us. The school is called "グールアカデミー" Which in English translates to Academy of Ghoul. "What a creative name", I huffed under my breathe sarcastically. It was actually kind of surprising to see my class mates from a long time ago I never suspected were ghouls.

~Authors Note~Okay sorry for this being so short, I'm on vacation visiting relatives. I promise I'll make the other one really long *coughs that's what she said* but anyways Happy new years guys <3~Love~Kikarashou~

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