Chapter 3: Mistaken Jealousy

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~Author's Note~Holy cheezeits guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I actually have but (3 more chapters) but because of some random shit, wattpad did not save the changes and now I'm back here *sighs and starts laughing that slowly turns into crying* Soooo, you haven't gotten there yet [insert lenny face] heh if you know what I mean, but slight lemon, like a drop, not even a drop like half a drop, anyways I won't be updating a lot *weep weep* because I am with relatives ^-^ like I said in the 1st chapter, also school is coming up (I'm a senior) and I won't function properly because I fucking hate high school, it's taking over my LIFE! Hah, just wait till college Kikarashou, I just watched Mean Girls with my cousin and wow, that is consuming my writing XD don't expect it to be good quality, anyways love you guys~Kikarashou~

"I didn't know that Matroshka was that bad", Kaneki told. "Well, no shit, he hates me", I reply with anger in my voice, I was frustrated and wanted to run, but a tiny voice in my head was screaming, STAY WITH HIM! Why should I listen to that voice? Mr. Matroshka is probably going to chop my ass off and put it on top of his fire place. "I just noticed, your so cute when your angry", Kaneki states. Seriously? At this moment he says that! "Shut up!" I yell, oh god, I feel...I feel, what is this feeling? I feel a slight pain in my chest and my brain won't function. I haven't felt this in a long time. Is this.....Love? "Kaneki-kuuuun!" A high pitched voice calls. It sounds like a girl, it can't be Touka, she has a deeper voice and probably won't refer to him as "Kaneki-kuuuun!". So, who can it be? Suddenly a busty, pink haired pig tails rushes over to Kaneki, almost in tears. "Kaneki-kun! Are you hurt, are you okay!", She asks. "I'm fine", Kaneki smirks.

Who is she? Big boobs, drama, and pink curly pigtails, oh yeah, this is obviously a cheerleader. "I hope those stupid freshmen didn't hurt you" she pouts while giving me an evil glare. Wow just thinking about this sounds like a sequel to a cheesy teen movie. She hugged his arm tight rubbing her head against it. Yeah, this is definitely his girlfriend, then another feeling comes to me, not as passionate as last time, this time my chest felt like an elephant sat on me, and I could feel anger heating up inside of me. Kaneki, well he didn't seem to be into the hug as she was, he actually looked kind of unsatisfied. He actually stared at me more than her. "Oh, Kaneki-kun! I have some friends that haven't met you! Lets go", she grins then walks away dragging Kaneki along with her. I huff, suddenly I hear, "THAT'S HIM, KIRISHIMA, I KNEW I SMELLED HIM!" Mr. Matroshka yells pointing at me.

Shit, he's with Mrs. Galline! The principal. They rush towards me and I start running, shit! I'm at a dead end, I hit a wall, with nothing to escape with but the window. Common sense wasn't something I'd be using at this time so I opened the window and jumped out of it and fortunately I landed on the senior patio. And I keep running, I don't care who's in front of me. "Watch it dork!", A voice calls. I find safety, well I guess, the boy's bathroom, it's stinky and can overcome any smell, also Mrs. Galline or Mr. Matroshka wouldn't dare to step a foot in here. I sit in on top of a toilet seat with my knees on top of the seat, even if they would walk into this horror land of a bathroom they wouldn't see what stall I was or if I was even in here. I hear foot steps, I freeze.The door opens. "I'M SORRY MR. MATROSHKA I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT GOT INTO ME I-" I apologize but then realize I'm talking to senior Ken Kaneki.

My luck, if I haven't ran into him like 18 times today. I feel the same as I did earlier yet, just multiply the feeling by 10, he is too close. "This isn't a good place to hide you know? They can still smell you." Kaneki states. "Whatever, I chose the first place I could find, now fuck off", I burst out. He just gets closer with that expressionless , shit, shit my heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest. "You have better things to do then hang around in a smelly bathroom with a emo freshman, you can go fuck your girlfriend or whatever." I stuttered, he started to blush and took a step back. "Why should I do that?", He asks. "Aren't you guy's dating or something?" I reply, "well yeah, but not really." He mumbles, "what do you mean by not really? Like are you dating or not?" I gawk, "well you see, uh" he mutters. Hah, I never seen him this way, it's kind of cute how flustered he is. "Well, um, we are visibly dating but, I never told anyone this, even Caspin", he went on. "What, finish your sentence!" "I like guys okay!" He interrupts.

I blush, "s-seriously?" I ask trembling, I don't know if it's out of fear or excitement, but whatever the reason was I didn't want it to stop. "Yeah, I know, it sounds pretty gay" he yells blushing, I laugh "no it is gay" he turns to me with a straight face, ironic huh. Something about it screamed "I'm going to kill you" I stop laughing, he comes closer and I start to blush, I thought he was going to punch me or something, but he does the unthinkable, he kisses me! My eye's widen I turn all shades of red. I push him away "WHAT THE HELL DUDE YOU JUST KISSED ME" I yell, he jumps back wiping his lips and chewing gum, and that's when I realized, my gum that I was chewing went missing. "M-my GUM!" I scream. He gives a devilish grin, "from the way you treat me, I'm suspecting your gay too" he smirks, this is the first time today I've seen him actually smile. I turn a deep dark red, "w-w-well" I sigh, from the way I'm acting towards him, yeah I guess I am gay, wow. "Want this gum back?" He asks without smiling like last time, he was being serious. "N-no, not really" I reply shyly, "Don't you want it back?" He repeats, "I don't like the flavor at all" he states, "throw it away, its not like you have to-" I was once again interrupted, but by his kiss, oh god, I could melt. It wasn't like last time, this time was more tender.

~Author's note~There you go you fujoshi's like me :3, oh no, but it doesn't stop there [insert lenny face] wow I'm such a pervert, anyways, I wasn't really happy with this chapter at all, I might make changes here and there so yup. I might make a Kojaku x Noiz fanfic because jfc, they are my OTP <3 other than this one (ayato x kaneki if you didn't pay attention to the title) and Kaneki x Tskuyemi, Idgaf on how to spell his name, I might make a fanfic of those 2 because I'm dying to get Kaneki to be the uke =3 (okay pay no attention to the kawaii face that looks like a penis) but anyways have a happy 2016 <3~Love Kikarashou~

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