Chapter 12: Doki....Doki

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~Author's note~ I DECIDED TO MAKE A LONG CHAPTER. ;-; Ayato's POV ~Kirakishou <3

The whole day on Sunday, I played video games to help me forget about the incident on Saturday, I know it may sound like the most cheesiest-Gayest-stupidest thing you will hear but that night I cried myself to sleep, I couldn't believe I could get heartbroken by a stupid goddamn senior. It is now the morning of Monday, "Ayato, it's time for school" Touka yelled from the kitchen, I got up with my eyes all red and puffy along with my hair all messed up, I could easily pass for a crack addict by the way I looked. I walked over to the bathroom and used some of my sister's concealer to cover up the hickies.

luckily it worked, It was a cold day so I slipped on a checkered pattern jacket and some black jeans, I then stared at my purple scarf I haven't even touched since Aogori Tree. I shrugged and put it on. I tied up my black combat boots and grabbed my backpack. I was walking out the door until I heard my sister yelling behind me, "Ayato wait for me!" I rolled my eyes and just kept walking, "Ayato I told you to wait up douche bag." She chuckled as she punched my shoulder.

I glared at her, "I want to get to school early what don't you get dumb ass" I scoffed, "Whats up with you?" She said. "Nothing, just don't talk to me" I replied, "fine grumpy pants" she laughed. "Wow who knew guy's could PMS" she joked. As if she was clueless from what she told me. I heard the bushes rattle, I knew it was Kaneki, so before he could see me I ran. "Ayato? Where are you going!" He asked as I ran.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled with my eyes full of tears. I rushed over to my school almost out of breathe, I entered the doors and hoped I could get lost in the crowd of people. Because of the situation of Friday (you know I punched the teacher and all) I was getting a lot of dirty looks, ad a matter of fact they switched me to a new class with a new teacher so I guess that was okay.

I tried to open to locker but my luck, stuck again. Fuck trying to open in calmly. "Hey, do you need some help?" A voice called, I turned around only to notice a strikingly familiar face, she had short light brown hair alone with the most beautiful brown eyes known to man. Wait? Isn't that? Hinami! "Let me help you silly, just be patient, I know our lockers are crappy, they gave the good ones to the humans" she smiles.

"How unfair." I reply, "I know! It's such discrimination towards us ghouls, I mean we our capable of human thought and feelings as well it's just our cannibalistic nature that separates us." Hinami stated, damn, she is one smart girl. "Same here" I laugh, I must've sounded stupid. We eventually started talking and it was like she had forgotten about the Mr. Matroshka thing.

We hear the bell after a while. "Sorry, I have to go! Meet me at the cafeteria?" She asked, "Sure thing" I answered. "Okay bye bye!" She waved. I waved back and walked off to my home room. 30 minutes pass and homeroom ends. Oh boy, now math. Since I was transferred to a new math class I had no clue where to go, "Mr. Aone" I said to myself. "Holy crap! Pardon my eavesdropping but your in the same math class as I am!" She exclaimed, cool, I met a sweet girl and I could spend some more time with her. "Follow me, I know you must be lost.".

Finally we got to class. Fuck! I wasn't reading the paper correctly! Somehow all the lower math classes were full so I had to be placed in advanced! I don't know jack shit about math! I'm still catching up to fucking 6th grade math FUCKING 6TH GRADE! "Come follow me, I sit in the back, I have an extra seat beside me, don't worry" Hinami whispered, thank god! I sat down next to Hinami, she moved closer and passed me a list of letters.

"What are these?" I whispered back, "We are having a quiz today those are all the answers, I solved all of them by printing the test yesterday and solving it." She replied. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Well I guess this day can't be all shit. Because of her, I had forgotten about the whole Kaneki Touka incident for the whole time!

Luckily I answered all the questions correctly (thanks to Hinami) and since we got our papers back the day of, I passed with an 100%! fast forward to an hour later and it's lunch. "Hey Ayato! Over here!" I hear a voice yell, I turn to see where it's coming from, of course Hinami. I see her waving cheerfully pointing at an extra seat. "Thanks for the spot." I smile, "No problem! I got some coffee for you." She replied, "Thanks! I also snuck in these from home" I whisper pulling out a bag of fingers. "Oh my! Isn't that against the rules!" She gasps, "yeah but, no one gives a shit honestly" I answer.

She giggles, "welp, whatever I am hungry", she then takes 3 fingers and starts to munch on them. We have a fun time talking about school, and life until. "Oh Touka-chan! What took you so long!" Hinami laughs. "Sorry 12th grade calculus is insane" she replies. No, no! God, I remember now, I was having an amazing time and she just has to come and ruin it. I feel sick. "H-Hinami, I don't think the coffee agreed I'll be right back" I say. "Oh no! Are you going to throw up? Because if so I have medicine!" She speaks, "N-no, I don't think so." I lie. Obviously I felt like I was going to barf everything I ate starting from when I was 5!

I manage to hold it in. "Let me just go to the bathroom." I say, "O-Okay, but really, if you need my aid, just call me." She worries. I rush over to the bathroom and start to weep, at this point I didn't feel the need to vomit, just to cry.

~Author's note~ yep.....*que Tsukiyama's HEARTBREAK!* but ummmm ye ~Kirakishou <3

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