Chapter 2: Why?

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~Author's Note~ same as before, POV of Ayato, The freshman math problem was so hard for me XD even though I'm a senior, math is my weakness. You'll get why when you read through it XD also I'm exhausted so my grammar may not make sense because its like 11 pm HAPPY NEW YEAR!~Love Kikarashou~

"Bye Kaneki, see you in math" Touka says while waving. "Same to you" Kaneki replies. They part from each other. I reach into my backpack for my locker number and combination, 238. I walk over to the locker with the same number. My luck! I enter the combination correctly but the fucking piece of shit will not open! I try everything! I finally give up and punch it endlessly. People walk past me thinking I'm a hot headed, weirdo with problems. "Need help?" A voice says with a slight chuckle. Shit I know that voice. "It's easy, all you need to do is open it gently." He says. "Thank's but I don't need help, now fuck off" I almost naturally say. Why the hell am I saying this? My head is going all crazy and my heart feels like I just ran a 7.k marathon in just 2 minutes and my face probably looks like a fucking tomato. "Hey, I just tried to be nice, can't you just be thankful for once?", He replies. I swear, sometimes what comes out of this fucking guy's mouth just sounds like a 5 year old. "Listen, you have a class to go to, so just leave me the hell alone", I let out. I don't usually act like this. Now I'm acting like a 5 year old.

"Whatever." He responds and walks away. I didn't want him to walk away. Put yourself together Ayato I thought. I shrugged and walked to Mr. Matroshka's math class. I shivered. Why am I shivering? In the first place why am I asking myself all these questions! Ugh! I am losing myself over that fucking white haired senior! I walk faster, then faster. I need to get there fast. Why? Am I scared he'll see me. Whatever it was before I knew it I was there. The aroma of sweet incenses filled the room, I walk over to the back of the room to sit in an isolated chair. When I was still in school, I'd always sit there so I could screw around without anyone noticing and the teacher would almost never call on me. I'd usually start drawing or going on my flip phone, but now, I guess I've grown into a pussy. All I wanted to do was day dream, I'd at least I'd have a flame of temptation sparking inside of me to stick on my earbuds and listen to some music. But no, not even the smallest flicker. I couldn't snap myself out of the magical trance of day dreaming. I'd day dream of changing those 45 minutes meeting Kaneki, what I'd say other then what I said and maybe talking to him more, then day dreaming if for some reason I lived with Kaneki other than Touka, and then do I have a thing for Kaneki. I did some deep thinking until reality struck me like a bomb. Why am I thinking of Kaneki so much! He's just a stupid senior, with that white hair that's probably soft at the touch, and that smooth pale skin, and those grey eyes that I can just stare at for hours.

Oh god, do I really have a thing for Kaneki! "Mr. Kirishima!" Mr. Matroshka yells. I jump and snap out of daydreaming. "If x=-5, then what is x?" Mr. Matroshka asks. "Um....It's...5-5-5?" I mumble "louder Mr. Kirishima, for the class to hear" he says while pushing up his glasses. "5-5" I mutter a bit louder. "Mr. Kirishima if you don't speak louder that it's detention!" He almost screams "Now come on, stand up and tell the class what is x!" He says in the same tone as last time. I stand up with my head facing my feet and my hands fidgeting with each other, I finally stutter loudly "5-5, x is 5...", "that is incorrect! See me after class" he yells while giving me an ugly stare. Its like a fucking domino effect, the whole class looks back at me with the same glare.

Suddenly Mr. Perfect, Ren Nokoshi raises his hand. I'm almost 100% sure he has had more girlfriends than Mr. Matroshka's age. "Yes Mr. Nokoshi." Mr. Matroshka calls proudly. Ren stands up with his chin up. "Um, no, x cannot be 5, that's not even the product, x would be 0 because if it can create an negative value that it'd have to be 0" Ren proudly states. "That is correct." Mr Matroshka says. All I can feel is regret, embarrassment, and hatred. Kaneki crosses my mind...Somehow calming me down and at the same time lighting a spark of ecstasy. No, I can't accept my feelings! No, snap out of it Ayato, what feelings? I have no feelings for Ken Kaneki. "Class dismissed, Ayato Kirishima, I want you at my desk immediately." Mr. Matroshka sternly calls. I walk over to his desk with my head down hatred consuming me

"Mr Kirishima, do you know why I called you here" he asks, I don't reply and silence fills the room for a minute. "I'm waiting for an answer" he says. "You want an answer? I'll give you a fucking answer" I reply, hatred has taken over, I can no longer take it. I'd did what I had to do....I punched the bastard in the nose and suddenly reality struck, I just hit my teacher. And I did what any other person in the same situation as I was would do, run. "Kirishimmaaaaa!" Mr. Matroshka screams as I rush out. Never have I ran this fast since Aogiri Tree, but I come to a screeching stop when I run into someone. "Watch were you're going dumbass" I gawk, but I look up to find that thin pale senior, Kaneki. "More like you should watch were you're going", Kaneki replies

~Authors note~ OMG ITS AN HOUR TILL THE BALL DROPS! And I'm wasting my life on wattpad as you could guess ^-^ anyways happy 2016!~Love Kikarashou~

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